backup file retention

  • Something like this may have been asked, so I appologize in advance.

    I'm trying to backup a file every night, and need to keep copies of it for 7 days. Also, we need to keep one of those files for 3 months. Can anyone give me any pointers as to how to acheive this the most efficient way?


  • I had to do something similar.  I created a DTS package, that had some VBScript in it.  The VBScript would pick up the last full backup and copy it to another location.  A bit more VBScript looked for files older than 6 months in our case and deleted them.

    However, you'll want to do some testing to ensure you can copy the backup files over the network at a decent speed.


  • declare @sSQLMaintSwitchString  nvarchar(4000)

    set @sSQLMaintSwitchString =

            N' -D "DatabaseName"' +

            N' -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpLog "\\BackupPath\DatabaseName "' +

            N' -BkExt "BAK"' +

            N' -DelBkUps 7DAYS' +

            N' -Rpt "\\JobLogPath\Full_Backup_ServerName_DatabaseName.txt"' +

            N' -DelTxtRpt 7DAYS' +

            N' -WriteHistory' +

            N' -VrfyBackup'

    exec master..xp_sqlmaint @sSQLMaintSwitchString

    Kindest Regards,

    Sameer Raval [Sql Server DBA]
    Geico Insurance

  • We ended up implementing a standard set of backup jobs across our enterprise.  The jobs will backup the database with a unique date in the file name, delete backups older than x days, and then verify the backup.  The backups goto a network share that a backup software picks up every night.

    This is pretty flexible and has worked well, if different systems need more backups on hand you can increase the number of days the delete procedure will look back.

  • well, in the maintenance plan, I'm already specifying to retain the files for 7 days. And I don't wanna have 3 month supply of nightly backups. Don't wanna have 90+ backup files.


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