Restore the database upto last point.

  • One of my database get broke at 10 AM today. I have last back up file which was done at 6/13/05 12:00 AM and then i have two transation log back up which was done at 3:00 AM and 8:00 Am.

    I found out that there were 100 record has been added into database from 8:00am to 10am.

    How can i resotre my database with including this last 100 unsaved record.

    If i recover database from backup file then it apply two log file then i will loose the 100 record. How can i restore my database with included this 100 record. (I read some where that i need to current trasation log back. I tried but it wont let me because my data file is broke).

    How can i retrive my database upto last point. Where is my control file for sql server located.

  • There's an article on this very topic in today's - have you read it ?!


    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

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