SQL Server 2005 Cluster Server can''t open SSIS package

  • I guess this may be bug from Microsoft, I have tried to re-install SQL server 2005 (cluster box), everything is fine, but when try connect to integration services using management studio, I can connect to server, but when tried to explore teh all packages, expand MSDB, or tried to click teh report and get error

    Login timeout expired

    An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.

    TCP Provider: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

    this is enterprise server, and I checked default is allow remote connection, and look at event view here is error

    Event filter with query "select * from __InstanceModificationEvent within 10 where TargetInstance isa 'Win32_Service'" could not be (re)activated in namespace "//./root/Microsoft/SqlServer/ComputerManagement"

    I tried connection both virtual and active node, all failed, but if I created a sql job and I can see the packages and schedule them.  I guess this is when intergration server tried to call database engineer it failed, this is only for cluster SQL server, out other sql 2005 server are all fine.

    Does someone know this?

    Thank you!


  • I resolved this by myself


  • How?  What was the problem?

  • I'm having the same problem with this.   Can you tell us how you fixed it?



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