DTS Error - "collection already exists"

  • I am having problems with my dts package. The dts packages loads data from flat files to various tables in the database using stored procedures. The dts package runs on SQL Server 2000. The only thing we've done is upgrade our server from Windows Server 2000 to Windows Server 2003. The package ran fine the night before we did the upgrade. Has anyone seen these errors before? If so, how did you resolve the errors? Could they related to our upgrade?

    DTSRun: Loading...

    DTSRun: Executing...

    DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_1

    DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_63

    DTSRun OnError: DTSStep_DTSDynamicPropertiesTask_1, Error = -2147220500 (800403EC)

    Error string: OleDBProperty 'Connection Status' already exists in the collection.

    Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

    Help file: sqldts80.hlp

    Help context: 399


    Error Detail Records:

    Error: -2147220500 (800403EC); Provider Error: 0 (0)

    Error string: OleDBProperty 'Connection Status' already exists in the collection.

    Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

    Help file: sqldts80.hlp

    Help context: 399

  • Are the flat files loaded from a different server?

    If so, you might double check that the networking component MS DTC is enabled on the 2003 Server.  This has created issues for me when I have a 2003 server talking to another server.



  • Are the flat files loaded from a different server?

    If so, you might double check that the networking component MS DTC is enabled on the 2003 Server.  This has created issues for me when I have a 2003 server talking to another server.



  • This normally happeds when DTS lost workflow order.

    Right-Check on all the workflows one by one then select Workflow Properties.

    You will find one of the work flows lost Source Step. This happened to me a while ago and took a decent effort to figure out.

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