Can''t select date record

  • how to select date record from the database. my DatePost field in the database formated as 2/15/2006 11:40:46 AM and data type as datetime. i try to manually give a date but it give me error. the error come from myReader!. Do i need to declare the "no" as datetime, date or string? help me to correct, thanks

    the code is below

    Dim no as string

    no = "2152006"

    Dim myConn As SqlConnection

    Dim myCmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand

    Dim myReader As SqlDataReader

    Dim strSQL As String

    myConn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("C onnStr"))

    strSQL = "SELECT Author FROM Booktbl WHERE Date ='" & no & "'"

    myCmd.CommandText = strSQL


    myCmd.Connection = myConn

    myReader = myCmd.ExecuteReader


    Author = myReader("Author")



    lblShow.Text = Subject

  • 20060215 or 2/15/06 or 2-15-2006.

  • this is what is do to insert data to the Booktbl

    Dim MyDate As Datetime = Now()

    strAuthor = tbAuthor.Text.Trim

    Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnStr"))

    Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Booktbl (Author, Date) VALUES(@author,@MyDate)", myConnection)







    Catch ex As SqlException

    lblMsg.Text = " Error"

    End Try

    End Sub

    After that the date record store in database look like this " 2/22/2006 11:40:40 AM"

    the data type used to declare in the Date column is DateTime

    this is what i do to retrive Author data depend on the Date

    Dim Author As String

    Dim no As DateTime

    no = "2/22/2006"

    Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnStr"))

    Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand("SELECT Author FROM Booktbl WHERE Date = @no", myConnection)

    myCommand.Parameters.Add("@no", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = no


    Dim myReader As SqlDataReader

    myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()


    Author = myReader("Author")



    lblShow2.Text = Author

    it show me the error message "Invalid attempt to read when no data is present" why? it seem like the date got problem. i been working on this since few days, yet i still can't get the result. anyone help appreaciate

  • *Using dates in the format mm/dd/yyyy is generally not recommended.

    What is 01/10/2006 the first of october or the tenth of january?

    With 20060110 (yyyymmdd) there is no doubt and also is excellent for sorting.

    *If you trace your query with the sql profiler, is your date passed correctly?

    *Have a look at for using stored procedures


  • Since the value in the database is "2/22/2006 11:40:40 AM" and you are passing in "2/22/2006" when doing the retrieval they are not the same because if no time is provided for a datatime value, 12:00 midnight is assumed. "2/22/2006 11:40:40 AM" is not equal to "2/22/2006 12:00:00 AM"

    If you want all data entered on "2/22/2006", then your WHERE clause should be something like "WHERE Date >= @No and Date < dateadd(dd, 1, @No)"

  • I think JeffB hit the problem, but also remember that a datetime data type stores the data one way but will display it depending on the users regional settings.  So if my date format in dd/mm/yy, that's how the database will display the date to me.  Using the ISO yyyy/mm/dd format like Jo P suggested, might help if your users are from different countries.  You might also want to read up on DATEPART functions, if you want to retrieve rows from a particular week, month, year.

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