How to kill the process id''s



    Iam Sridhar Babu. i have one issue regarding SQLServer2000.

    iam installing .net application with backend MS SQL Server2000.

    it is working fine.

    when ever i acccess database through application, for each connecation one process will create. and when i close the application the process are closed automatically.

    but the process are going to sleeping mode.

    my problem is when i am going to uninstall the application

    it is showing the error message.

    Error 27506.

    Cannot frop the database 'database name ' because it is currently in use[3702]

    this is done with the help of Install Shield package.

    Please help me how to do this problem through programmatically. 


    B.Sridhar Babu SE
    Canarys automations P ltd
    #135 7th Main, 4th Block
    Bangalore-560011 Tel: +91-26539915-24
    Mobile: +91-9449631468

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Have you executed sp_who (or sp_who2) in QA to find out wgho/what the offending connections are ? It could be you in EM monitoring things or another process. Once you find out why there are still connections you can kill the offending spids (or even construct a query to do it auto-magically for you).

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • You are probably using some kind of connection pooling, like the one in ADO or COM+, which is keeping the connections open (but sleeping). Make sure that the connection pool closes all connections when the app is closed. Or you are not closing your connections coorectly in your code.

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