• Hi guys

    have 2 tables: Package and Object

    Made a trigger on Package:

    CREATE TRIGGER [TRG_Package_Ins] ON [Package]




     @id int,

     @idObject int


     SELECT @id = idPackage

     FROM inserted


     INSERT INTO Object (DocRef) VALUES (1)


     SELECT @idObject = @@Identity


     UPDATE [Package]

     SET idObject = @idObject

     WHERE idPackage = @id


    This works fine. but if I after insert into package call Select @@Identity to get the idPackage, I get idObject instead

    So how to make a INSTEAD OF Trigger, that FISRT insert into Object, then insert into Package??


  • Do you mean that when calling @@IDENTITY in the script that inserts into Package in the first place you get idObject?

    If so then you need to use Scope_Identity(). This will return the last identity insert within the current scope (stored procedure, trigger, etc).

    For example

    Insert Package (idObject) VALUES (1)

    select scope_identity() -- will return the last inserted id in package

    select @@IDENTITY -- will return the last inserted identity (which will be whatever the trigger inserted into Object)

    Hope that helps.

  • Bit late in the day to be adding another point but I thought I'd best mention the use of variables in your trigger.

    You're selecting idPackage into a variable from the inserted table. This will only work as long as only one row at a time gets inserted into the table - which of course you can never guarantee won't be the case over the lifetime of the database. If multiple rows get inserted then the 'inserted' table will have multiple rows and the select will throw an error. I'd suggest rewriting it to not use the variables.

    Let me know if that didn't make sense.

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