Transaction Handling Across Linked Server

  • I am getting different results from my transactions than I am expecting.  It goes like this. 

    set xact_abort on

    Begin tran

    query1 on local server

    exec storedprocedure2 on linked server

    query3 to local server

    Commit tran

    What I want to happen is if the any of the statements fail including the exec to the linked server, then all of the statements in the tran abort. 

    What I am getting is that if storedprocedure2 to the linked server fails, then I receive an error message that the transaction that started on the local server is committed/aborted.  Then query 3 to local server  executes in autocommit mode, and then I get an error that the code has an extra "commit tran".  I.e., the failure of storedprocedure2 to the linked server aborts statements 1 and 2, but does not abort query3. 

    I have tried using "begin distributed tran".  This did not change anything.  Of course I can trap for the error, but I am wondering if there is a way to get all of the queries to abort without adding an error trap.  The reason I think this is if I run the following code I get the behavior I want.

    set xact_abort on

    begin tran

    query0 with inner join between table on local and table on linked server  -- additional query preceeding

    query1 to local

    exec storedprocedure2 on linked server

    query3 to local

    commit tran

    If storedprocedure2 fails in this scenario I get an error message that storedprocedure2 was committed/aborted (same as before).  I also receive a message saying that i need to "start a new or NULL transaction".  When query3 to local starts, instead of executing in autocommit mode, I receive an error message "SQLOLEDB was unable to begin a distributed transaction".   And query3 does not run (nor any additional queries following in the tran).  And the whole stored procedure stops. 

    In the case of the data I am working with, it is better to either run all of the queries successfully or none of them.  So the second scenario is the behavior I want.  It seems silly to run a fake query like query 0 just to get this behavior.  How can I turn this behavior on?


    Kindest Regards,


  • That was going to be my suggestion, but he did say that they tried it in his post so we can cross that off

    What are the properties of your linked server?  (ie, in EM, what properties are ticked/unticked)

  • If more than servers are involved in a tran, sql server will automatically escalate the tran to a distributed tarn. So BEGIN DISTRIBUTED TRAN is the same as BEGIN TRAN in this senario


  • Whenever you COMMIT or ROLLBACK a tran, you need to test @@TRANCOUNT. If  @@TRANCOUNT>0 do it, otherwise don't do it. This will avoid the erro "that the code has an extra "commit tran".

    The reason is for nested trans, rollback command in any level will rollback the whole tran.

    Another thing is that you need to test the @@error after each statement in the tran and the return value of the nested SP (it's better that the SP returns a value) for any errors. If error happens, GOTO ROLLBACK_EXIT statement. 




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