• Hi,

    I keep getting this bug: I have a table, that has one group. In this table I have several subreports. For some strange reason, when viewing in print preview or exporting to pdf, I get very weird page breaks. Almost always, there will be a page break before a subreport, even if there is still plaace in the page for it. Of course, I checked that there is no "page break before this...". All i want is the simplest page breaking behavior - just make a new page when the previous is full - why can't I get it to work? I'm running RS2KSP2...


  • Just a suggestion, check page width.  I've had blank pages when the width of the body is too much to fit on the page.  Also, the margins can be adjusted.

  • Thanks for replying.

    It's not a width issue. There aren't any blank pages printed out, only pages that are half full instead of full. ????

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