permissions problem running dts from

  • I have an c# application that runs a dts package. The package gets some data from an sql server table and writes it to a file on the hard disk. I added the aspnet account to sql server and added it to the relevant database. When I run the application the file is not created and no error is returned. When I give the aspnet account, system administrators role with sql server it works fine. What do I need to do?




  • I think the account will also need access to msdb as this is where the packages are contained in terms of system tables.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • I made the aspnet the owner of msdb to test it, but still did not work unless a member of the system administrators role.



  • Danny,

    What permissions did you give the aspnet account in the source database?  Does the account have permission to write to the disk location where the destination file is to be created?  Enable package logging to get an idea of what is happening when the package executes.



  • Greg,

    Thanks. Enabling the package logs revealed a permissions error reading an sql table with the account.

    Thanks again



  • Glad to help.  I can't even think how many times logging has helped me figure out a problem in a package.



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