Getting column headers

  • Is there any way to get the column headers from a query? For example, I have a query that returns 4 cols and one that returns 3 cols. Is there anyway to retreive the column headers returned in each result set?


  • I'm not exactly sure what your asking.

    Are you using query analyzer?

    Unless you are creating derived/calculated columns, you should be able to see the headings.


  • That's part of the native client interface layer (what used to be called dblib).  If you were programming in C directly to it you can get them.  I was also able to get to them using whatever the heck object/class in the .NET framework (I don't remember the methods.)  I'm not sure how or if ODBC handles it.

    How are you connecting to the database?  This is not a T-SQL question but a client side programming question.


  • If you use .NET (presumably ) and load a dataset from the query you should be able to get the columnnames from the table definition.


  • If you use .NET (presumably ) and load a dataset from the query you should be able to get the columnnames from the table definition.


  • If you put SET FMTONLY ON in the head of a query then no results will be returned, only the column headers.

  • If you put SET FMTONLY ON in the head of a query then no results will be returned, only the column headers.

  • Yes, this may by a T-SQL question. Let's try this query;


    top 0 * from YourTable


  • This is not for client side. This is being changed to T-SQL from an existing system that uses C++ to retrieve the column headers. So it sounds like T-SQL isnt useful for retreiving column headers then?

  • quoteSo it sounds like T-SQL isnt useful for retreiving column headers then?

    Depends on what you want and how you want to use it

    C++ can only get Column Headers (column names) from either the name colection of the resultset, accessing the table info using DMO or querying the syscolumns (or better INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS)

    If you want a resultset containing rows of column names then you can use


    Can you explain what you are doing and why so that we can give more detailed answer

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • I am now getting them with .NET using C#. Thanks for your help!

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