Problem executing "legacy" dts packages in 2005

  • How do you execute migrated 2000 packages in 2005?  Do we still use dtsrun?  According to BOL dtsrun is replaced by dtexec, however the dtexec command didn't work.  Neither did dtsrun.  I can execute the dts packages themselves with no errors but not through a job. 

    Any hints?  I'm quite certain this is driver error.

  • not sure what you mean by a "driver error"... or what "didn't work" means... both dtsrun and dtexec work on my desktop... I don't have any migrated packages to test or a 2000 installation to create one; but more details would be good if someone here is going to help.  There was also an article today by one of the founders of this site about what migrates... I believe he said 80% was straightforward and 20% not so... with a clear definition of what that 20% consists of.


    david russell

  • I have the same problem you do. I can't schedule my legacy packages in 2005. I saw a google post that indicated that dtsrun should work but I cannot get the command line syntax to work correctly. Let me know if you have any luck

  • I gave up and started converting my packages to SSIS.  However if I spot anything I'll try and remember to post. 

  • If you're still interested, I was able to run my legacy DTS package (2000) that resides in SQL Server 2005 by using the following command syntax:

    dtsrun /S "server name" /E /N "database package name"

    The /E tells it to use a trusted connection.

    Good Luck,



  • Excellent, Gary!  I was looking all through the MSDB to try and find that long hexadecimal identifier for my legacy DTS package.  With this command syntax, I didn't need it!  Thanks tons.

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