How to run a command on each online database of a SQL 2000 server ?

  • Hi all,

    I need to run a command on each database (which are not offline) of my server, but am unable to find the correct syntax :

    set quoted_identifier off

    declare @query_rapport varchar(1000)

    declare @dbname varchar(128)

    declare @parameter varchar(128)

    print 'Start report - ' + replace(replace(convert (varchar(22),getdate(),120),':','-'),' ','-')

    declare DBcursor cursor for select name from sysdatabases where name not in ('tempdb') AND version is not NULL

    open DBCursor

    Fetch DBCursor into @dbname

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    set @parameter = '''report'''

    set @query_rapport = 'EXEC sp_change_users_login ' + @parameter

    print 'Logins in error from database '+ @dbname + ' :'

    print @query_rapport

    exec (@query_rapport)

    -- Loop to Next Database

    Fetch DBCursor into @dbname


    close DBCursor

    deallocate DBCursor

    print 'End Report - ' + replace(replace(convert (varchar(22),getdate(),120),':','-'),' ','-')

  • Hi Florent,

    I think there is a much easier way of doing this.  There is a system stored procedure which is undocumented called sp_msForEachDB. It will run the command in the parameter against each database (excluding offline db's). Running the following should give you what you want...

    sp_MSForEachDB 'EXEC sp_change_users_login report'

    Hope that helps,



  • Two things:

    1. Change your SET statement like this (note the space before EXEC):

    set @query_rapport = 'USE ' + @dbname + ' EXEC sp_change_users_login ' + @parameter

    2. Since sp_change_users_login requires the parameters to be quoted, are the literal strings in @parameter quoted properly? Refer to the example from BOL:

    -- EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix', 'Mary', NULL, 'B3r12-36'

    SET @parameter = ' ''Auto_Fix'', ''Mary'', NULL, ''B3r12-36'' '

    (all quotes are single quotes, the bold areas are single quotes pairs).

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