Multivalues Paramater Using RS2003

  • Any idea how to use a multivalued parameter using RS2003. Do not suggest me to use RS2005


  • It's not something built in to the current Reporting Services.  It's still possible, though.  In order to use a multivalued parameter, you have to do some extra work, and it's basically a kludge.

    There's no way to set an RS drop-down parameter list to accept multiple values, so you'll need to start by rolling your own method of collecting the multiple values, such as building your own input page that includes a multi-select drop-down, then including the results when you call the report either with the web service Render method or in a URL.

    Getting RS to do anything with the multivalued parameter then falls back to the usual tricks of passing multiple values as a single parameter.  This traditionally means passing a single varchar value this is a comma separated list, then doing something with the list on the procedure that gets the data for your report.

    For example, if you wanted to send a list of names to a procedure...

    CREATE PROC dbo.SalesRepInfo(
    @SalesRepList   varchar(500) = ''
    <......> would execute the call with the list as a single value (example: user chooses Bob, Dave, and Jen)

    EXEC dbo.SalesRepInfo 'Bob, Dave, Jan'

    Then you get to split the @SalesRepList up inside the proc and work with it there.  There's a couple ways of doing that, I prefer to use a table variable.  At the bottom of this reply, I copied the definition SplitList function from the sample AdventureWorksDW database.  There are similar scripts to be found by earching around SSC.

    Sample proc to return data to report:

    CREATE PROC dbo.SalesRepInfo(
    @SalesRepList   varchar(500) = ''
      SELECT SplitList.ListItem, sr.RepInfo
        FROM dbo.SalesRep sr INNER JOIN 
            dbo.SplitList(',', @SalesRepList) ON sr.RepName = SplitList.ListItem

    Good luck with that stuff,


    -- SplitList function used in example above (taken from 
    --    the AdventureWorksDW sample database)
    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SplitList(@separator char(1), @List varchar(8000))
     RETURNS @ReturnTable TABLE(ListItem varchar(1000))
     DECLARE @Index int
     DECLARE @NewText varchar(8000) 
     IF @List = null
     SET @Index = CHARINDEX(@separator, @List)
     WHILE NOT(@Index = 0)
      SET @NewText = RTRIM(LTRIM(LEFT(@List, @Index - 1)))
      SET @List = RIGHT(@List, LEN(@List) - @Index)
      INSERT INTO @ReturnTable(ListItem) VALUES(@NewText)
      SET @Index = CHARINDEX(@separator, @List)
     INSERT INTO @ReturnTable(ListItem) VALUES(RTRIM(LTRIM(@List)))

    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

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