Report sorts

  • I have generated a reoprt with the following sort fields, ITEM, PO MUNBER, VENDOR NAME, START DATE & END DATE.  I would like to be able to type in ITEM number, START DATE and have the report return all ITEM for that date.  I am not sure how to use the sort fields as stand alone or in combination with another to return date based on selected sort date.  Any help would be appreiated.



  • Based on the value in the sort field, you could dynamically hide columns if that helps. 

    A more complicated approach is to use a stored procedure and then through if statements, run the select for the desired data.  If you take this approach, you'll have to have each block in the SP return the same column name so alias each column.

  • I have done a similar report based on a date selection and I had to do it thru a stored procedure and parameter in my report. If you are using dates with times , the datetime datatype, for your dates, don't forget to take that into consideration.

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