Conditional Counts

  • I have two SQL aggregate queries that I'm trying to role into one query with no luck.  The queries are both at the end of this posting.  What I would like is a recordset that includes the date, original count and corrected count grouped by date.



    --Get the original transacation count by day

    SELECT     CONVERT(varchar(10), TD.CreatedDateTime, 101) AS BusinessDate, COUNT(TD.CreatedDateTime) AS [OrigCount]

    FROM       TransactionDetail TD INNER JOIN

               TransactionType TT ON TD.TransactionTypeCode = TT.TransactionTypeCode

    WHERE    TT.ShortDescription IN ('TN','TB','RN')

    GROUP BY   CONVERT(varchar(10), TD.CreatedDateTime, 101)

    --Get the corrected transacation count by day

    SELECT     CONVERT(varchar(10), TD.CreatedDateTime, 101) AS BusinessDate, COUNT(TD.CreatedDateTime) AS [CorrCount]

    FROM       TransactionDetail TD INNER JOIN

               TransactionType TT ON TD.TransactionTypeCode = TT.TransactionTypeCode

    WHERE    TT.ShortDescription IN ('TU','RG')

    GROUP BY   CONVERT(varchar(10), TD.CreatedDateTime, 101)

  • Matt, I'm sure there is a much more creative way to do this without a temp table, but here is an untested solution with a temp table.

    CREATE TABLE #UnionTable (BusinessDate Varchar(10), OrigCount Integer, CorrCount Integer)


    INSERT INTO #UnionTable (BusinessDate, OrigCount)

    SELECT     CONVERT(varchar(10), TD.CreatedDateTime, 101) AS BusinessDate, COUNT(TD.CreatedDateTime) AS [OrigCount]

    FROM       TransactionDetail TD INNER JOIN

               TransactionType TT ON TD.TransactionTypeCode = TT.TransactionTypeCode

    WHERE    TT.ShortDescription IN ('TN','TB','RN')

    GROUP BY   CONVERT(varchar(10), TD.CreatedDateTime, 101)


    INSERT INTO #UnionTable (BusinessDate, CorrCount)

    SELECT     CONVERT(varchar(10), TD.CreatedDateTime, 101) AS BusinessDate, COUNT(TD.CreatedDateTime) AS [CorrCount]

    FROM       TransactionDetail TD INNER JOIN

               TransactionType TT ON TD.TransactionTypeCode = TT.TransactionTypeCode

    WHERE    TT.ShortDescription IN ('TU','RG')

    GROUP BY   CONVERT(varchar(10), TD.CreatedDateTime, 101)


    SELECT * FROM #UnionTable


    DROP TABLE #UnionTable



    Good Luck


  • I this something like this should work:

    SELECT  BusinessDate,

     SUM([OrigCount]) as OrigCount,

     SUM(CorrectedCount) as CorrectedCount

    FROM    (

     select   CONVERT(varchar(10), TD.CreatedDateTime, 101) AS BusinessDate,

               1 as OrigCount, 0 as CorrectedCount

     FROM  TransactionDetail TD INNER JOIN

                TransactionType TT ON TD.TransactionTypeCode = TT.TransactionTypeCode

     WHERE    TT.ShortDescription IN ('TN','TB','RN')



     SELECT   CONVERT(varchar(10), TD.CreatedDateTime, 101) AS BusinessDate,

      0 as OrigCount, 1 as CorrectedCount

     FROM    TransactionDetail TD INNER JOIN

                TransactionType TT ON TD.TransactionTypeCode = TT.TransactionTypeCode

     WHERE    TT.ShortDescription IN ('TU','RG'))


    GROUP BY BusinessDate

    Basically, you modify your two queries so that you use 1 for the value you want to count.  Then combine the two queries with UNION and make the UNION query a virtual table.  Finally, you do the aggregate on the virtual table summing up the 1's.

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • Here is a way without temp table or union.

    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), TD.CreatedDateTime, 101) AS BusinessDate

    , sum ( case when TT.ShortDescription IN ('TN','TB','RN') then 1 else 0 end ) AS [OrigCount]

    , sum ( case when TT.ShortDescription IN ('TU','RG') then 1 else 0 end ) as [CorrCount]

    FROM TransactionDetail TD INNER JOIN

    TransactionType TT ON TD.TransactionTypeCode = TT.TransactionTypeCode

    WHERE TT.ShortDescription IN ('TN','TB','RN', 'TU', 'RG')

    GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar(10), TD.CreatedDateTime, 101)


  • I believe that will meet your needs best as well.

  • Create 2 functions one for each calculation and then do the select.  e.g Select dbo.FunctionA(param1 , param2) as result1, dbo.FunctionB(param3, param4) from tableX

  • Robert-

    Thanks for that clean solution.  That worked great.


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