SQL mail not sending mail

  • i have checked 'Email to operator' checkbox under Reporting tab in my maintenance plan. I have selected my profile for the operator and tested it and it's working but after the maintenance plan completes, it's not emailing me about the success or failure of the maintenance plan. is there anything i have missed? please let me know if the question is not clear.

  • We had this problem and it was a pain to resolve.

    Have you rebooted the box after setting up the mail accounts in SQL server and SQL server agent?  Sometimes stopping and restarting the services isn't enough.

  • that was in my development machine. yes i did reboot my computer but still not working.

  • Does the test actually send an email successfully !!

  • yes it did. i tried couple of times.

  • I assume you have "Whenever the job completes" selected ?  The default is "When the job fails".  Is the job running under some low level owner ??  (wild stab in the dark)

  • where can i find "Whenever the job completes" option? BTW, i am using sql 2000, standard edition.

  • That would be when the job is created from the maintenance plan.  There is no place on the maintenance plan itself where you can change this.  If I understand you correctly, you are just trying to email the maintenance plan report to you, not notify you if the job within the maintenance plan fails or not.  Is this right?

  • actually i am testing with this email thing. so i want to do both at the moment: notify on failure or success or email the maintenance plan report if that's possible.

  • Then you need to go into the job that the maintenance plan created and make your modifications there.  Have you made sure that your SQLMail is set up properly under Support Services in EM?  You might want to make sure that has the correct email profile in it and it is running properly.

  • ==============

    where can i find "Whenever the job completes" option? BTW, i am using sql 2000, standard edition.


    In Enterprise Manager, expand "Management" >> "SQL Server Agent" >> "Jobs"   Find the job you want to monitor, right click "Properties" >> "Notifications" tab, check "Email Operator", choose "When the job completes".   You can also send a test email from this screen to verify SQL Mail is working.

  • thanx for all the help guys. i am new to this thing. i didn't know that "Whenever job completes" feature was in the "Jobs". I was looking for it under Maintenance plans.

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