Sql Case Statement Pass one value or multiple Values

  • This query works fine as is.

    It's limitations are that @what could have only one value passed to it..


    However it's the @what parameter that i would like to pass

    Values as multiple values separated by a comma i.e. '1st Mortgage Payoff', '2nd Mortgage Payoff'

    one idea that I had was if

    I set @what to varchar(1000)

    then call the What in (@what)

    however I think my syntax is not correct..

    Thanks, I would really appreciate it if you gurus could suggest something

    CREATE PROCEDURE prcRptTrackExceptions


     @TrackDueDateBegin varchar(20),

     @TrackDueDateEnd varchar(20),

     @What   varchar(50),

     @State   varchar(2),

     @Office   varchar(12)







      dbo.Returnvaliddate (b.DuDt) AS DuDt,









      when b.DuDt =0 then 0


      DateDiff(dd,dbo.Returnvaliddate(b.DuDt),getdate() )

      end as Turnaround,







     FROM   Search a

       INNER JOIN TrackItems b ON a.FirmFile = b.FirmFile

       INNER JOIN  DatesTimes c ON a.FirmFile = c.FirmFile

       INNER JOIN MiscText1 d ON a.FirmFile = d.FirmFile


     WHERE  (b.Stat <> 'Completed')  


       AND (b.CpBy IS NULL)


        (b.RqDt >= @TrackDueDateBegin) AND (b.RqDt <= @TrackDueDateEnd)


          (b.DuDt >= @TrackDueDateBegin) AND (b.DuDt <= @TrackDueDateEnd)



       --***********Trackitem Case*******************************

       and b.what  in

       (case @What  when'All' then b.what 


        else  @What



       --***************State Case*******************************

       and a.StateLet  like

         (case @State  when 'Al' then  a.StateLet

          when 'AR' then 'AR'

          when 'TN' then 'TN'

          else @State



       --************Office Case*********************************

       and d.Office =


         case @office when 'All' then d.office

         else @office



       and b.what in ( '1st Mortgage Payoff', '2nd Mortgage Payoff', '3rd Party Deed Request', 'Pest Inspection', 'Petition to Redeem Taxes', 'Update Title Report', 'Survey')


     ORDER BY Turnaround ,b.DuDt, b.FirmFile



  • You need something like this :

    IF Object_id('fnSplit_Set') > 0

    DROP FUNCTION dbo.fnSplit_Set


    IF Object_id('Numbers') > 0

    DROP TABLE dbo.Numbers


    CREATE TABLE dbo.Numbers (PkNumber int identity(1,1), dude bit null, CONSTRAINT Pk_Number PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (PkNumber))


    INSERT INTO dbo.Numbers (dude)

    SELECT NULL FROM (SELECT TOP 100 NULL AS A FROM master.dbo.spt_values) dt100 cross join (SELECT TOP 80 null AS A FROM master.dbo.spt_values) dt80


    ALTER TABLE dbo.Numbers

    DROP COLUMN dude


    --Select min(PkNumber) as MinA, max(PkNumber) as MaxA from dbo.Numbers

    --1, 8000


    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnSplit_Set] (@IDS as varchar(8000), @vcDelimiter varchar(3))





    Select dtSplitted.EachID, dtSplitted.Rank from (

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@vcDelimiter + @IDs + @vcDelimiter, N.PkNumber + len(@vcDelimiter),

    CHARINDEX(@vcDelimiter, @vcDelimiter + @IDs + @vcDelimiter, N.PkNumber + len(@vcDelimiter)) - N.PkNumber - len(@vcDelimiter)) as EachID

    , (LEN(SUBSTRING(@IDs, 1, N.PkNumber)) - LEN (REPLACE (SUBSTRING(@IDs, 1, N.PkNumber), ',', ''))) + 1 AS Rank

    FROM dbo.Numbers N

    WHERE SUBSTRING(@vcDelimiter + @IDs + @vcDelimiter, N.PkNumber, len(@vcDelimiter)) = @vcDelimiter

    AND PkNumber 0


    DECLARE @Ids as varchar(8000)

    SET @IDS = ''

    Select @IDS = @IDS + CAST(id as varchar(10)) + ',' from (Select TOP 10 id from dbo.SysObjects order by NEWID()) dtIds

    SET @IDS = left(@IDS, ABS(len(@IDS) - 1))


    Select O.id, dtIDS.EachId, O.name, dtIDS.Rank from dbo.SysObjects O inner join (Select CAST(EachID as INT) AS EachID, Rank from dbo.fnSplit_Set (@IDS, ',')) dtIDS on O.id = dtIDS.EachID order by O.Name

    Select O.id, dtIDS.EachId, O.name, dtIDS.Rank from dbo.SysObjects O inner join (Select CAST(EachID as INT) AS EachID, Rank from dbo.fnSplit_Set (@IDS, ',')) dtIDS on O.id = dtIDS.EachID order by dtIDS.Rank

    --Dont't ever forget to cast the eachid column to the same datatype as in the join to avoid table scans.

  • Write an article about this Remi!!!! 

    This question gets asked all the time so title it well so it comes up quick on a search.  Either that, or I will copy it to a document and beat you at posting it....

    (I would also suggest having the user create a Number table outside the SP to speed things up....). 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • (I would also suggest having the user create a Number table outside the SP to speed things up....).

    Did you actually read the thing????

    I'll think about posting it .

  • Not close enough, appearantly...

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • To sum it up I appreciate simplicity ...

  • The final call is really simple :::

    Select CAST(EachID as INT) AS EachID, Rank from dbo.fnSplit_Set (@IDS, ',')

    It doesn't get much simpler than this .

  • Good article about using "Arrays".

    Some good information


  • Thanks all !!

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