Integration of Reporting Services in VB

  • Hi Guys,

    Is it Possible to integrate SQL Reporting Services into VB. At Present we are using Crystal Reports with VB.

    If yes, Is all functionality that's available in Crystal Reports is possible in SQL Reporting Services and How to integrate Reporting Services into VB. Pls Help.

    Thx in Advance.

    Ashok S



  • Following is the code I use to render a report thru to a pdf file. The reports are created in Visual I haven't done so, but I am sure that more can be done with the reportserver object.  You have to add a reference to the report server to your project.  I'm not sure what you would do in VB 6.0

    No it is not as robust as Crystal but it does the job for me. 

    dim ReporttoRender as string

    ReporttoRender = "reportServerPath\reportserverReportName"

    Dim rs As New ReportServer.ReportingService

    Dim fileexists As String

    Dim result As Byte() = Nothing

    dim stream As FileStream

    Dim fname As String

    rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

    fname = "c:\reports\myReport.pdf"

    result = rs.Render(ReportToRender, "PDF", Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)

    stream = File.Create(fname, result.Length)

    stream.Write(result, 0, result.Length)



  • Ashok,

      After you install Sql Reporting Services and have VB.Net 2003 you will integrate it by using the Business Intelligence item to create a report. It will be like adding another item to a project. After you create a report you will deploy it and it will be deployed to your report server and will be able to be viewed in a web browser. From what I understand you must have VB.NET 2003 to do this but I could be wrong. I hope I have understood you correctly and helped.



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