changing data types

  • Hi Friends

    I want to change datatype of a column from text to varchar.I know i can do one at a time.but there r too many to do.

    is there any quicker way changing datatypes in a specified table.


  • Can you show us exactly what you are trying to do?

  • probably needs to change datatype of a bunch of columns in a table in one step.

  • Remi
    say i have table (mytable) with following cols
    pkey int pkey
    name varchar(10)
    notes text
    now i want to change datatype of  3rd col (ie. notes) to varchar say varchar(500).
    Hope thats clear.Thanks
  • Check BOL under modfying Default definitions. The short answer is that you can not change a column that has a data type of text.



  • Hi Michael
    I just checked "modfying Default definitions" section but it talks abt "DEFAULTS" not datatypes.
    am missing something. i want to change datatype of a columns
  • OOPS , sorry. This may help.


    From BOL


    Specifies that the given column is to be changed or altered. ALTER COLUMN is not allowed if the compatibility level is 65 or earlier. For more information, see sp_dbcmptlevel.

    The altered column cannot be:

    • A column with a text, image, ntext, or timestamp data type.
    • The ROWGUIDCOL for the table.
    • A computed column or used in a computed column.
    • A replicated column.
    • Used in an index, unless the column is a varchar, nvarchar, or varbinary data type, the data type is not changed, and the new size is equal to or larger than the old size.
    • Used in statistics generated by the CREATE STATISTICS statement. First remove the statistics using the DROP STATISTICS statement. Statistics automatically generated by the query optimizer are automatically dropped by ALTER COLUMN.
    • Used in a PRIMARY KEY or [FOREIGN KEY] REFERENCES constraint.
    • Used in a CHECK or UNIQUE constraint, except that altering the length of a variable-length column used in a CHECK or UNIQUE constraint is allowed.
    • Associated with a default, except that changing the length, precision, or scale of a column is allowed if the data type is not changed.

    Some data type changes may result in a change in the data. For example, changing an nchar or nvarchar column to char or varchar can result in the conversion of extended characters. For more information, see CAST and CONVERT. Reducing the precision and scale of a column may result in data truncation.

  • Thanks for that Michael.
    but I just changed a column's datatype to varchar from text from enterprise manager.which worked fine !!
    i got following warning ofcourse
    - Warning: Data might be lost converting column 'creator' from 'text'.
  • oops!!
    i tried to change datatype thru script then i got following error Michael

    Cannot alter column 'creator' because it is 'text'.

  • but i can change in EM though

  • You can also change it via script, but you need a workaround for it

    IF OBJECT_ID('showme') > 0

     DROP TABLE showme

    CREATE TABLE showme (c1 TEXT)


    INSERT INTO showme SELECT 'Hello World'

    ALTER TABLE showme ADD c2 VARCHAR(500)


    UPDATE showme SET c2 = SUBSTRING(c1,1,500)



    EXEC sp_rename 'showme.c2', 'c1', 'COLUMN'

    SELECT * FROM showme

    EXEC sp_columns 'showme'



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Yes it can be change via EM

    Yes it gives the following error 

    "Data may be lost converting column 'usernsme' from 'varchar(50)' " to text

    But no data is lost if there are atleast 5000 records

    For more records i h.v not tried

    So don't worry

    it can be possible


  • Nice to see you back from whatever you were doing .

  • If you drop from text to varchar 500, any record that contains 501+ characters will be truncated to 500. That's where you would have a loss of data.

  • The same fact still applies, wheter it be a script or using EM..

    You cannot change (ie alter) a column that is type text to varchar. Frank's script does not change the column, nor does EM.

    The only thing you can do (and that is what Frank's script and EM does) is to create a new column as varchar, copy data from the textcolumn over to the varchar column (which will fit as many chars as the varchar is long) and then delete the text column...

    The difference may be subtile, but there's quite a big leap from 'change/alter' to 'createNew-copy-deleteOld', at least in the context of SQL Server.




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