"Update" and "Not in" keywords

  • Hi,

    My SQL statement is ...

    update supplier set Del_Status='YES' where Supp_ID='S01' and

    supp_ID not in

    (select supp_ID from Items_Master )

    The above statement does not update any record in the supplier table although 'S01' does not exist at Items_Master table..

    But, I've found a new way like this..

    update supplier set Del_Status='YES' where Supp_ID='S01' and

    supp_ID not in

    (select supp_ID from Items_Master where isnull(supp_ID,'NULL')<>'NULL')

    And it works fine. "Supp_ID" field of Items_Master may contains "Null" value.

    I would like to know that if there is any other way to solve out bcoz there are alot of tables like this in my project and I don't want to follow the above way that makes extra work.

  • Instead of using NOT IN, try using a left join like this,

    update sup 
    set sup.Del_Status='YES' 
    from supplier sup
      left join Items_Master mas
      on sup.supp_ID = mas.supp_ID
    where sup.Supp_ID='S01' 
      and mas.supp_ID IS NULL


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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