Return multiple rows/lines on a single row/line

  • G'day all,

    I'm looking for a way to return a set of retults on a single line rather than a set of columns.


    SELECT egChar + ' 'cast(egInt as char(2)) + ', ' FROM egTable

    I want it to look like:

    One 1, Two 2, Three 3,.....


    I know I can run the query with a counter, adding the next row into a local CHAR variable each time.  But I was hoping that SQL might have some built in switch or command existed to cause a select statment to return data in this format.

    Am I just dreaming?


    Kindest Regards,

    Charles Wilkinson
    Database Administrator
    Sastek Pty Ltd

  • G'day,

    Here is a simple example that shows one method to meet your needs.  There are several other ways to do the same thing.  Hope this helps


    create table #x

    ( id   int not null,

      name varchar(20),

      job  varchar(20) not null )

    insert #x select 12345, 'Jane Smith', 'Accounts Clerk'

    insert #x select 12345, 'Jane Smith', 'Store Assistant'

    insert #x select 12345, 'Jane Smith', 'Input Clerk'

    declare @job varchar(255)

    set @job = ''

    select @job = COALESCE (@job + ' - ', '') + job

      from #x

    PRINT @job


  • Give this a try:


    declare @list varchar(8000)

    set @List = ''

    select @List = @List + egChar + ' 'cast(egInt as char(2)) + ', ' FROM egTable

    Print @list

    I may have messed up the above syntax with lack of apostrophes without testing 

    .... a query I use to do this is like below:


    declare @list varchar(8000)

    set @List = ''

    select @List = @List + Rtrim(Acct_Nbr) + ''''',''''' from MasterAccount where Acct_State is not null

    Print @list


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