Inserting results from SP execution to a table.

  • Hello folks,

    I am trying to insert the results from this execution to a table:

    insert into report1

    exec master.dbo.sp_msforeachdb

    "USE [?]


    SELECT '?'

    EXEC sp_helprolemember


    I get 4 results which are the: dbname, dbrole, membername and membersid.

    My table is:

    CREATE TABLE report1

    ( dbname varchar(20),

    dbrole varchar(20),

    memname varchar(20),

    memsid smallint


    The error is:

    Server: Msg 213, Level 16, State 7, Line 3

    Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

    Thanks for your help.


  • When you execute,

    exec master.dbo.sp_msforeachdb 
    "USE [?] 
    SELECT '?'
    EXEC sp_helprolemember 

    by itself in Query Analyzer you will see that seperate resultsets are returned. You can't insert seperate resultsets into a table in one query.

    Instead you should have the insert inside the quotes so it is executed once for each execution of sp_helprolemember.


    CREATE TABLE ##report1
        dbrole sysname,
        memname sysname NULL,
        memsid varbinary(85) NULL
    exec master.dbo.sp_msforeachdb 
    "USE [?] 
    insert into ##report1 (dbrole)
    values (db_name())
    insert into ##report1
    EXEC sp_helprolemember
    select * from ##report1
    drop table ##report1

    NOTE: I've used a global temporary table in this script to test it on my system. It should work exactly the same if you use a three part object name in your create and insert statements. eg: dbname.owner.tablename


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Thanks Phil you saved me a lot of work =)

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