User auditing

  • Hi all. This is my first post in fact i new in this forum.

    I got this question: Have you ever know how to audit user on SQL so you can know which users are inactive?

    I tried ApexSql Audit but it didnt worked to perform that action.

    Thanks in advance.






  • We setup a trace file using profiler, then scheduled the trace to run on startup.  We capture the information to a table, so we have a record of every time a user logs in.  This is really the only way to track "active users" unless you have something built in to your applications to do this logging process for you.  There might be tools for this built into the Lumigent suite.  I would look into that.  They have a whole compliance and auditing tool I haven't used yet.  I love their Log Explorer though.

    Derrick Leggett
    Mean Old DBA
    When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.

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