update in a stored procedure

  • I am trying to update two different talbes in the same stored procedure but I keep getting an error message.

    UPDATE dbo.User_Information SET Salutation = @Salutation, Email_1 = @Email1, Address_1 = @Address1

    Where User_ID = @UserID

    UPDATE dbo.MySurvey_Progress SET Start_User_Information = @Date

    Where User_ID = @UserID

  • What error are you getting?  Are there referential integrity constraints or update triggers on either of these tables?

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • it tells me "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Else'

    IF EXISTS(SELECT User_ID FROM dbo.User_Information WHERE User_ID = @UserID)

    UPDATE dbo.User_Information SET Salutation = @Salutation, Email_1 = @Email1, Address_1 = @Address1, Address_2 = @Address2, City = @City, State_Province = @State, Postal_Code = @PostalCode, Home_Phone = @HomePhone, Work_Phone = @WorkPhone, Cell_Phone = @CellPhone, Fax_Phone = @FaxPhone, Birth_Date = @DateofBirth

    Where User_ID = @UserID

    UPDATE dbo.MySurvey_Progress SET Start_User_Information = @Date

    Where User_ID = @UserID



  • I think you need to wrap the updates in a begin-end block like:


    IF EXISTS(SELECT User_ID FROM dbo.User_Information WHERE User_ID = @user-id)


    UPDATE dbo.User_Information SET Salutation = @Salutation, Email_1 = @Email1, Address_1 = @Address1, Address_2 = @Address2, City = @City, State_Province = @State, Postal_Code = @PostalCode, Home_Phone = @HomePhone, Work_Phone = @WorkPhone, Cell_Phone = @CellPhone, Fax_Phone = @FaxPhone, Birth_Date = @DateofBirth

    Where User_ID = @user-id

    UPDATE dbo.MySurvey_Progress SET Start_User_Information = @Date

    Where User_ID = @user-id



    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • That worked, thank you. I have been trying to figure it out all day.

  • IF EXISTS(SELECT User_ID FROM dbo.User_Information WHERE User_ID = @user-id)


    UPDATE dbo.User_Information SET Salutation = @Salutation, Email_1 = @Email1, Address_1 = @Address1, Address_2 = @Address2, City = @City, State_Province = @State, Postal_Code = @PostalCode, Home_Phone = @HomePhone, Work_Phone = @WorkPhone, Cell_Phone = @CellPhone, Fax_Phone = @FaxPhone, Birth_Date = @DateofBirth

    Where User_ID = @user-id

    There doesn't seem much point in the 'IF EXISTS" part.  Just do the update and check the value of @@rowcount.  If @@rowcount is > 0 then the update worked and of course the row existed!  This saves doing two i/o's to the db when one will do the trick.


  • Hi there,

    The IF EXISTS has value IF he is trying to validate that the user being updated (based on the parameter @user-id supplied) is in the database.  Which is good practice, since trying to update a user that doesn't exist doesn't go over that well

    However, to make the IF EXISTS effective, there has to be something that goes along with the ELSE portion, error handling, etc to deal with the other "option" in the proper flow of logic in an IF/ELSE statement.

    I.e. code could be:

    IF EXISTS (SELECT User_ID FROM dbo.User_Information WHERE User_ID = @user-id)


      UPDATE dbo.User_Information

       SET Salutation = @Salutation, Email_1 = @Email1, Address_1 = @Address1

        , Address_2 = @Address2, City = @City, State_Province = @State

        , Postal_Code = @PostalCode, Home_Phone = @HomePhone

        , Work_Phone = @WorkPhone, Cell_Phone = @CellPhone

        , Fax_Phone = @FaxPhone, Birth_Date = @DateofBirth

       WHERE User_ID = @user-id


      UPDATE dbo.MySurvey_Progress

       SET Start_User_Information = @Date

       WHERE User_ID = @user-id



     RaisError ('StoredProcName - The user with the UserID supplied does not exist.  Please verify the UserID supplied.',16,1)

    --This error can then be returned to the calling app/code/function/etc and handled in an elegant fashion

    Btw, is the intent to be using the SQL function User_ID, or has the column on this table been called "User_ID"?

    Hope that helps!



    "Work like you don't need the money;
    dance like no one is watching;
    sing like no one is listening;
    love like you've never been hurt;
    and live every day as if it were your last."
    ~ an old Irish proverb

  • IF EXISTS (SELECT User_ID FROM dbo.User_Information WHERE User_ID = @user-id)


      UPDATE dbo.User_Information

       SET Salutation = @Salutation, Email_1 = @Email1, Address_1 = @Address1

        , Address_2 = @Address2, City = @City, State_Province = @State

        , Postal_Code = @PostalCode, Home_Phone = @HomePhone

        , Work_Phone = @WorkPhone, Cell_Phone = @CellPhone

        , Fax_Phone = @FaxPhone, Birth_Date = @DateofBirth

       WHERE User_ID = @user-id

    Perhaps if the IF EXISTS was on a different table then the it would have some added value but in this case it doesn't serve any purpose.  Just the Update with a check of @@rowcount will tell you everything you need to know and save one trip to the database.

    Also, you still need to check @@rowcount after each update since even after checking IF EXISTS the row may not be there when the Update is executed and no error will be raised.  Only @@rowcount will tell you if any rows were affected.

  • I check to see if the User_ID exists and if it does then I update the information, and if it doesn't then I add the user's information to the table.

  • There is no need to check to see if the row exists before you do the update.

    Think about it.  The first thing the Update must do is check to see if the row exists!  So just checking @@rowcount after the Update will tell you if the row was updated and if not you know the row/user did not exist.

    In your example the IF EXISTS statement is on the same table/user_id as the Update statement there is just no point to that.

  • I am not a SQL expert so I am not familiar with the method you are talking about. Will it make a big difference in performance?

    Declare @Date datetime

    Set @Date = getdate()

    IF EXISTS(SELECT User_ID FROM dbo.MySurvey_Positions WHERE User_ID = @UserID AND Position_ID = @PositionID)


    UPDATE dbo.MySurvey_Positions SET Company_Name = @CompanyName, Position_Title = @PositionTitle, Start_Date = @StartDate, Salary = @Salary

    Where User_ID = @UserID AND Position_ID = @PositionID

    UPDATE dbo.MySurvey_Progress SET Start_Positions = @Date

    Where User_ID = @UserID




    INSERT dbo.MySurvey_Positions(User_ID,

    Company_Name, Position_Title, Start_Date, Salary)

    Values(@UserID, @CompanyName, @PositionTitle, @StartDate, @Salary)


    If I use @@rowcount then how would I tell it to add the new information if the row does not exist?

  • Declare @rowcount int,

            @error int

    UPDATE dbo.MySurvey_Positions SET Company_Name = @CompanyName, Position_Title = @PositionTitle, Start_Date = @StartDate, Salary = @Salary

    Where User_ID = @user-id AND Position_ID = @PositionID

    Select @error = @@error, @rowcount = @@rowcount

    -- do error checking here --

    If @rowcount > 0 -- row exists and was updated


        UPDATE dbo.MySurvey_Progress

        SET Start_Positions = GetDate()

        Where User_ID = @user-id


    ELSE -- row did not exist


    INSERT dbo.MySurvey_Positions(User_ID,

    Company_Name, Position_Title, Start_Date, Salary)

    Values(@UserID, @CompanyName, @PositionTitle, @StartDate, @Salary)


    Performace? well its one trip to the db instead of two.  So if you do this 1,000 times a day thats 1,000 extra db hits.  If you are doing this in other stored procedures...well you do the math.

    I only hinted at error checking you can read a good article here: http://www.sommarskog.se/error-handling-II.html#presumptions

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