Why am I getting a Blank form?

  • I'm having a problem with a form that is completely blank unless there is data in it.  I have the main page where all the data is put in and then I would open the agency form by command button and it is blank.  The Agency form pulls the name off the main form and then it should open to a new record. Everything is linked by ID.Made with SQL and Access as the front in. Any ideas to why I am having this problem?

  • "I'm having a problem with a form that is completely blank unless there is data in it."

    Well my guess is that if there's no data in it, it must be blank.

    Have you validated that data comes back from sql thru the form?

    Have you validated that the id is being properly pulled?

    Tough for us to say when we do not see your code.

  • Yes I validated the procedure and it works fine it's just it is blank in form format. I know it's hard to figure it out when you can't see it just hoping someone had any idea.  All the other forms work fine just this one.

  • Not sure how the forms you refer to are being generated. When I get this problem it is usually because I have forgotten to set the appropriate permissions on the data, the system I use returns this as a record with data you can't see.

    If it isn't that then usually I have forgotten to make one of my joins an outer join, and get no data for that reason.

    When you test the stored procedure, are you running it with the same login? Who owns the objects it is using? are they visible to the user running the forms. Is the new form you open running in the same context as the parent form? Can it use the ID value you have created?



    If it ain't broke, don't fix it...

  • When I say there is no data I'm saying the form is blank, no data, no text of any kind. The procedure works fine but when the I use my command button from the main form to go to the next form, it should draws data from that form once I input any data in the form that's when the two records will be link through the ID's of both forms. The problem is the form is blank so I can't enter data so they can be linked together.  I hope I expalined my problem well enough for you to understand.

    I put requery in every position I could to see if that was the problem but some of my other forms either have or don't and it didn't make any difference.  Brian 

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