Help with Data Type


    When working with money how can one set up so that every  thousands unit is shown seperate?

    IE $1,000,000.00

    If this isn't possible in data type money what else can one use and how do i set it up?


    Thank you in advance.

  • Monty,

    You will need to write a custom function to properly format the string.  I think this is because of the various different money formats throughout the world.  Some sep with commas, others decimals.

    You will basically have to write a CASE LEN(fieldA) WHEN <= 3 THEN fieldA WHEN 4 THEN CAST(LEFT(fieldA, 1) AS CHAR(1)) + ',' + CAST(RIGHT(fieldA, 3) AS CHAR(3)) END

    as an example....


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • You could try using the convert function with the 3rd parameter (the style parameter) set to 1 - see Books on Line for info.


    declare @mymoney money

    set @mymoney = 1234567890

    select  '$' + convert(varchar(24),@mymoney,1)


    result set is:






  • Apart from this being a merely presentational issue, have you searched the script section here already. I think Antares686 posted something useful there.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I have a UDF to format values of type DECIMAL, and have adapted it here for type MONEY. Modify as necessary.

    DROP FUNCTION dbo.FormatMoney


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.FormatMoney


      @num money,

      @decPlaces int


    RETURNS varchar(20)



      DECLARE @cnum varchar(50), @len int, @pos int, @fraction varchar(50)

      DECLARE @numCommas int

      SET @cnum = CONVERT(varchar(50), @num)


      SET @fraction = ''

      SET @pos = CharIndex('.', @cnum, 1)

      IF @pos > 0


        SET @fraction = Substring(@cnum, @pos + 1, 50)

        SET @cnum = Left(@cnum, @pos - 1)


      SET @len = Len(@cnum)

      SET @numCommas = (@len-1) / 3

      WHILE @len > 3


        SET @cnum = Stuff(@cnum, @len-2, 0, ',')

        SET @len = @len - 3


      IF @decPlaces > 0


        SET @fraction = Left(@fraction + Replicate('0', @decPlaces), @decPlaces)



        SET @fraction = ''

      IF @fraction <> ''

        SET @cnum = @cnum + '.' + @fraction

      RETURN '$' + @cnum



    --- Tests

    print dbo.FormatMoney(0,2)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(1,2)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(12,2)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(123,2)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(1234,2)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(12345,2)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(123456,2)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(1234567,2)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(1234567,0)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(1234567,1)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(1234567,2)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(1234567,3)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(12345678,2)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(123456789,2)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(1234567890,2)

    print dbo.FormatMoney(2147483647,2)

  • I prefer not to use the money data type, I use decimal instead.  I've had some funky stuff happen in the past with Access and Crystal Reports formatting the field in a way other than what I want.  I do the formatting when I output or display the field, and the UDFs and scripts mentioned previously will help you there.

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

  • Can't comment on the formatting of MONEY. However, MONEY gets also funky when division and/or multiplications are involved in calculations with MONEY:

    declare @m1 money, @m2 money, @m3 money

    declare @d1 decimal(19,4), @d2 decimal(19,4), @d3 decimal(19,4)

    set @m1 = 1.00

    set @m2 = 345.00

    set @m3 = @m1/@m2

    set @d1 = 1.00

    set @d2 = 345.00

    set @d3 = @d1/@d2

    select @m3, @d3


    --------------------- ---------------------

    .0028                 .0029

    (1 row(s) affected)

    Both are calcualted correct according to thier specifications. However, the MONEY result is off by more than 3% !!! from the "correct" result.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I agree with Frank and Wayne - use decimal, or even float, and format the display as currency when needed.


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