Select distinct values from seperate tables

  • Hi,

    I have a table that contains dates for resignment and joining. The reasons for joining/ resigning is in a seperate table.

    Now I only want the last date of a person, I thought that the distinct and the order by Field DESC whould do the trick, but it doesn't. It still shows all the values where djn.ResJoinID = 2. Any help?

    Select Distinct(MemberID), djn.ResJoinID, djn.Reason, djn.ChangeDate from SAVA.SAVA_SAVRSN rsn INNER JOIN SAVA.SAVA_SAVDJN djn ON (djn.ResJoinID = rsn.ResJoinID) AND djn.ResJoinID = 2 ORDER BY MemberID , djn.ChangeDate DESC

    Help anyone ?

  • Are you trying to get the resigned date for one particular person - or are you trying to get the names of all people who resigned on a particular date ?!

    Also - would I be right in assuming that for each person there would be 2 corresponding rows - one on date joined and reason and another on date resigned and reason ?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Let's reorganize the logic here. We need to limit the results to the latest date for each member, so we will use a derived table as a sub-query. I've added the sub-query to your code, and split the lines for increased readability.


    Select MemberID,




    from SAVA.SAVA_SAVRSN rsn


                         ON djn.ResJoinID = rsn.ResJoinID

                           AND djn.ResJoinID = 2

    join (select ResJoinID, max(ChangeDate) as  LatestDate

           from  SAVA.SAVA_SAVDJN&nbsp dt

                     on dt.ResJoinID = djn.ResJoinID

                     and dt.LatestDate = djn.ChangeDate

    ORDER BY MemberID , djn.ChangeDate DESC


    Let me know if this worked.

  • Hi,

    I am sorry for the unclearness of this matter, but I believe you have summed it up quite nicely.

    I am having trouble with this subquery part:


    (select ResJoinID, max(ChangeDate) as LatestDate from SAVA.SAVA_SAVDJN ) dt

    on dt.ResJoinID = djn.ResJoinID

    and dt.LatestDate = djn.ChangeDate

    ORDER BY MemberID , djn.ChangeDate DESC

    It says that the cols ResJoinID,ChangeDate is invallid in the select clause, because it is not contained in an arragate function, and in a order by... ?

    Thanks for the help

  • Give this a go

    select  rsn.MemberID,




    from SAVA.SAVA_SAVRSN rsn

    inner join


      select distinct




         select max(ChangeDate)

         from SAVA.SAVA_SAVDJN

         where ResJoinID = a.ResJoinID

       &nbsp as ChangeDate

      from SAVA.SAVA_SAVDJN a

      where a.ResJoinID = 2

    &nbsp b

     on rsn.ResJoinID = b.ResJoinID

    order by rsn.MemberID , b.ChangeDate desc

    not to sure whether this is optimal, anybody any other ideas?


    ps my preview shows automatic replacement of brackets with emoticons?!?!?!

  • Oops!

    I do apologize. I left out the crucial GROUP BY ResJoinID.


    This is what is needed:


    (select ResJoinID, max(ChangeDate) as LatestDate


    GROUP BY ResJoinID

    ) dt

    on dt.ResJoinID = djn.ResJoinID

    and dt.LatestDate = djn.ChangeDate

    ORDER BY MemberID , djn.ChangeDate DESC


    Please let me know if this works now.






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