Suggestion for R/W and Exec Proc permissions

  • Need a suggestion for setting up a new Role. It will need to be able to INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE data and EXEC stored procs but should not be able to CREATE / DROP objects, etc.

    Will granting DBDataReader and DBDataWriter to this role allow users in this role to exec SP's?

  • No, you will need to add EXEC rights for procedures explicitly.

  • You can create the procedure below in you master database and run this procedure from the database to which you want to grant permissions. Also, the default role name is Execute_StoredProcedure. You can pass in the role name as a parameter


    This procedure grants Execute permissions to all procedures on a database to the role desired.     

    The default role is Execute_storedprocedure     


    CREATE procedure sp_grant_permissions_proc @role varchar(100)='Execute_StoredProcedure' as     

    declare curname cursor for select name,user_name(uid) from sysobjects where xtype = 'P'     

    declare @procname varchar(100)     

    declare @username varchar(100)     

    open curname     

    fetch next from curname into @procname, @username     

    while @@fetch_status = 0     


    declare @sql varchar(300)     

    set @sql = 'grant execute on ' + @username + '.[' + @procname + '] to ' + @role 


    fetch next from curname into @procname, @username     


    close curname     

    deallocate curname     








  • DECLARE @sProcName SysName

    SET @sProcName=''

    WHILE @sProcName IS NOT NULL


    SELECT @sProcName =MIN(Name)

    FROM SysObjects

    WHERE Type='P' AND Name>@sProcName AND OBJECTPROPERTY(Id,'IsMSShipped')=0

    IF @sProcName IS NOT NULL

    EXEC ('GRANT EXEC ON ' + @sProcName + ' TO YourProcExecRole')


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