Grant permission problem

  • Hi.

    Can someone tell me what is the problem with this SQL statement:

    GRANT  SELECT  ON [system_function_schema].[fn_trace_getinfo] TO [Audit]

    I'am log on as the system administrator of the SQL Server. When i execute this statement, a get the message : Invalid object name 'system_function_schema.fn_trace_getinfo'.

    If i execute this statement on an other server, it works. The two servers have SP3a install on them.

    Please help me

  • It appears either the function fn_trace_getinfo doesn't exist on the server OR the function does exist but system_function_schema isn't the owner/schema name for the function.


    If the phone doesn't ring...It's me.

  • I try to give access to this function to the user "Audit" using Enterprise Manager and i get the same error message.

  • Thank's to everyone but i find it.

    I just need to set the server option 'Allowmodification to be made directly to the system catalogs ' to ON


  • Dont forget to turn that OFF.  Very bad to modify system and forget that step

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

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