Problem by detaching a published database

  • Hi, I am a newbie, so please be gentle....

    I have written a script to detach databases to enable a backup to tape streamer without stopping the sql server services (actually the backup is made offline). I got a problem with a published database, which cannot be detached. I got an error "....database cannot be detached because it is published".

    Based on informations I have found until now, it is probably not possible to execute the operation. I am wondering if somebody has an idea or a solution.

    We use sql 7 with sp 4. An other way is to backup DB's on disk, but we will get disk space problem.

    Thanks in advanced for any suggestions

  • Hi there, to be honest the best method from what you've said is to dump the database to disk and then back that up to tape (or if you have something like backup exec then you can backup to tape online via the BE sql agent).

    Seeing as you're using replication, which is preventing you from detatching the database, i don't see any other way around it.  I don't know how big your database is but if you have a space problem backing it up to disk then you could always look into using something like litespeed to do the backup (just google on litespeed for details), it compresses the backup into a smaller space than the native SQL backup (sometimes getting it 70-80% smaller depending on your data).

    Hope this helps a little.


  • Hi, thank you for the suggestions. I will let my imagination work for the best solution. Bad, that there is not solution to automatically stop the replication on an easy way. My problem is also that we have 170 SQL Server you can imagine that the implementation is not easy.

    Have a good day....

  • Hi, why do you don't backup to another server?


  • Hi, because we have (at the moment) just one server in every location

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