How can I delete data from a field every 24 hours to the second based on a bit field?

  • Fellow DBA's,

    How can I delete data from a field every 24 hours to the second based on a bit field?  The process should delete data from a field based on a bit field showing complete.  Please enlighten me!


  • You need to define what you mean.  If you mean for example that you want to delete every single record at midnight that was marked complete until 11:59:59, then you need to have a datetime field to accompany the bit field.  There's a 99% chance on most systems that's all it will delete anyway, but we have systems here that are still doing 100-150 t/sec so it would by no means be a guarantee.  So, add a datestamp column. 

    If this isn't what you are talking about, then give table structure, a few rows of sample data, and a result set explaining what you are trying to achieve.

    Derrick Leggett
    Mean Old DBA
    When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.

  • Mean Old DBA,

    I'm trying to delete data from the "Response" column based on whether the "Completed" column has a status of '1'.  It should only delete the "Response" column data if the "DateIn" data is older than 48 hours.  This can run as a stored procedure in a job, DTS, or whatever gets it done, and can be scheduled every night.      

    Table: TransactionRequests

    Columns: DateIn (datetime, null), Response (ntext, null), Completed (bit, not null)

    Data (same order as columns above):  "2004-04-29 10:39:00.883"



    Hope this helps,

    DBA Dave

  • Try this

    Delete from TransactionRequests

    Where DateDiff(hh,getdate(),datein)>48

    AND Completed = 1

  • That worked!  I actually changed the statement to update the response field only and empty out the data.


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