List of databases on MSDE instance

  • I have this query to list all databases on an instance of SQL Server 2000. 

    SELECT sSchema.Catalog_Name
    WHERE sSchema.Catalog_name <> 'tempdb'

    However, when I run this on a MSDE instance, it only shows 5 of the 47 databases that reside on that instance. I guess this is probably because under MSDE the databases are auto closed.

    Whats the "recommended" way to get a list of databases from an MSDE instance. Do I have to do what everyone says you shouldn't do and query the system tables directly?

    This is part of a generic routine, so I'd like to keep it as consistent as possible across all our servers.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Here is a way to get a list of the db.

    It will only display dbs the user has access to

    SELECT name

    FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases


                   has_dbaccess(name) = 1

                   AND name NOT IN ('master', 'tempdb', 'msdb', 'model')

    ORDER BY name;

    Hope this helps

    Elian Chrebor :: web-based applications

  • Did you already try with undocumented sp_MSforeachdb?

    exec sp_MSforeachdb @command1 = "Print '?'"

    That should print out names of all databases.

    Unfortunately any fix, service pack or newer version could change behaviour of this procedure.

    You could also take a look at the MS logic for the query that populates the list of databases in this proc and build your own...

    hope this helps


  • Diederik, the problem with undoumented procedures is that they are undocumented and there is no Guarantee that the next sp or upgrade will not break the procedure. Been there done that and still have the bite marks to prove it.

     Remember Murphy's Law:

    If anything can go wrong, it will at the most inopportune time. And Murphy was an optimist.  

  • Phil, have you tried the following from BOL.

    sp_databases (T-SQL)

    Lists databases that reside in the Microsoft® SQL Server™ installation or are accessible through a database gateway.



    Return Code Values


    Result Sets

    Column nameData typeDescription
    DATABASE_NAMEsysnameName of the database. In SQL Server, this column represents the database name as stored in the sysdatabases system table.
    DATABASE_SIZEintSize of database, in kilobytes.
    REMARKSvarchar(254)For SQL Server, this field always returns NULL.

    In SQL Server, sp_databases returns the databases listed in the sysdatabases system table. Because some database management systems (DBMS) accessed by database gateways do not have the concept of a database, this stored procedure may return no rows if sent to a Microsoft Open Data Services - based gateway.

    Database names that are returned can be used as parameters in the USE statement to change the current database context.



  • Phil, I have been unable to replicate the behaviors you are describing.  
     My understanding from BOL is that Sp_databases reads the system tables for the 
    result set. 
    EXEC sp-databases and

              CREATE TABLE #tmp ( dbname sysname, dbsize int,  dbrmks varchar(255))

    INSERT INTO #tmp EXEC sp_databases

    SELECT * FROM #Tmp -- returns only non-auto close

    DROP TABLE #tmp

    Return the same result set for me even though some dbs are set to auto-close.

     I know that this does not help  but there must be something else going on here.

    Creating a table and inserting into that table with a stored procedure should not return

    a different result set from just executing the stored procedure.




  • I believe the problem is not autoclose but is the user permissions.

    Information_schema as well as sp_databases display the information for which

    has_dbaccess(name) = 1

    therefore you will have to go for:

    select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases


    * Noel

  • Noel

    I'm connecting with 'sa' privelages to run my query and sp_databases. So I guess that rules out access permissions.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • well, if that is the case, I can't seem to duplicate your  scenario either


    * Noel

  • Ok, I don't really like posting huge long messages, but this is really weird.

    Just to get all the specs out,

    Server is running Windows 2000 Server with SQL Server Desktop Engine 8.00.194 (can't service pack the beast because it's a third-party app that breaks when you apply the service pack )

    Server has 47 databases with all but master, msdb, model and tempdb set to auto close.

    Client machine is Windows XP SP2, running SQL client tools with SP4 applied (ver 8.00.2026). Connecting to the server via Windows Authentication using an account that has sysadmin privelages.

    Running this series statements as a single batch in Query Analyzer,

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_databases
    CREATE TABLE #db (
     DATABASE_NAME sysname
     , DATABASE_SIZE int
     , REMARKS varchar(255)
    EXEC master.dbo.sp_databases
    SELECT * FROM #db
     DATABASE_NAME sysname
     , DATABASE_SIZE int
     , REMARKS varchar(255)
    EXEC master.dbo.sp_databases
    SELECT * FROM db
    EXEC master.dbo.sp_databases
    DROP TABLE #db

    Returns these results.

    DBA 2688 
    master 11648 
    model 4096 
    msdb 32320 
    sn0_Main 7808 
    sn0_Trans 4096 
    snCall189912 4096 
    snCall200207 15360 
    snCall200208 34816 
    snCall200209 36864 
    snCall200210 45056 
    snCall200211 41984 
    snCall200212 34816 
    snCall200301 35840 
    snCall200302 55296 
    snCall200303 73728 
    snCall200304 65536 
    snCall200305 84992 
    snCall200306 68608 
    snCall200307 86016 
    snCall200308 83968 
    snCall200309 90112 
    snCall200310 92160 
    snCall200311 78720 
    snCall200312 66560 
    snCall200401 67584 
    snCall200402 77824 
    snCall200403 86016 
    snCall200404 73728 
    snCall200405 71680 
    snCall200406 76800 
    snCall200407 79872 
    snCall200408 74752 
    snCall200409 75776 
    snCall200410 81920 
    snCall200411 66560 
    snCall200412 79872 
    snCall200501 64512 
    snCall200502 80896 
    snCall200503 80640 
    snCall200504 43008 
    snLog1899 30720 
    snLog2004 1284096 
    snLog2005 265216 
    snProcess 10688 
    snSecurity 4096 
    tempdb 2816 
    (8 row(s) affected)
    DBA 2688 
    master 11648 
    model 4096 
    msdb 32320 
    snCall200303 73728 
    snCall200304 65536 
    snProcess 10688 
    tempdb 2816 
    (8 row(s) affected)
    (23 row(s) affected)
    DBA 2688 
    master 11648 
    model 4096 
    msdb 32320 
    snCall200303 73728 
    snCall200304 65536 
    snCall200402 77824 
    snCall200406 76800 
    snCall200407 79872 
    snCall200408 74752 
    snCall200409 75776 
    snCall200410 81920 
    snCall200411 66560 
    snCall200412 79872 
    snCall200501 64512 
    snCall200502 80896 
    snCall200503 80640 
    snCall200504 43008 
    snLog1899 30720 
    snLog2005 265216 
    snProcess 10688 
    snSecurity 4096 
    tempdb 2816 
    (23 row(s) affected)
    DBA 2688 
    master 11648 
    model 4096 
    msdb 32320 
    sn0_Main 7808 
    sn0_Trans 4096 
    snCall189912 4096 
    snCall200207 15360 
    snCall200208 34816 
    snCall200209 36864 
    snCall200210 45056 
    snCall200211 41984 
    snCall200212 34816 
    snCall200301 35840 
    snCall200302 55296 
    snCall200303 73728 
    snCall200304 65536 
    snCall200305 84992 
    snCall200306 68608 
    snCall200307 86016 
    snCall200308 83968 
    snCall200309 90112 
    snCall200310 92160 
    snCall200311 78720 
    snCall200312 66560 
    snCall200401 67584 
    snCall200402 77824 
    snCall200403 86016 
    snCall200404 73728 
    snCall200405 71680 
    snCall200406 76800 
    snCall200407 79872 
    snCall200408 74752 
    snCall200409 75776 
    snCall200410 81920 
    snCall200411 66560 
    snCall200501 64512 
    snCall200502 80896 
    snCall200503 80640 
    snCall200504 43008 
    snLog1899 30720 
    snLog2005 265216 
    snProcess 10688 
    snSecurity 4096 
    tempdb 2816 

    Why do I get different database counts, and why is there a difference between inserting into a permanent table as opposed to a temp table?


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface


    Phil, wierd is not the word I would have choosen as it is not descriptive enough.

    Two quick questions. first have you run a through check for correlations on the missing data? I ran a quick check and though I had found a correlation between the db maming conventions. Assuming db naming convention of snCallyyyymm where yyyy=year and mm=month. But it did not work out. It is interesting to note that when saving to a temp database that the log and security dbs are missing.

    Second question goes to your original post when you stated that "best practices" state that you should not query system tables. My question is why not? BOL states that sp_databases is reading the system tables for the db names, sizes and remarks (with remarks always being NULL) 

    I don't want to hijack your thread but if you could answer this I would appreciate it perhaps starting a new thread.



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