Memory Issue

  • I have posted this before but had not received much, but I appreciate the help.

    Server is SQL 7.0 on Win2K.  Quad 700 Procs, 3GB Memory.

    Users are starting to receive the error, "A time out occurred while waiting for memory resources to execute the query. Rerun the query."

    SQL is using up 1.9GB of memory, and total memory usage is roughly 2.3 GB.  The queries that are running are built into the program we are using and cannot be modified.

    I would like to limit the amount of memory SQL uses but it seems as though that would only be a solution if it was using up all the memory.  I have used Profiler but that does not seem to reveal any clues.

    Any ideas or suggestions?  I appreciate it!

  • There may be a memory issue try running profiler to see if you've any queries from hell, or at least isolate the query that causes your problem.

    check out ms Article ID : 230036

    If you restart the sql service, or the server does the problem go away?

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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