
  • Hi SQL Gurus,


      When I run select databasepropertyex ('dbname', 'isansipaddingenabled'), I get result 'null'.

    I checked anywhere, only means invalid input.

    Can anybody give me more explanation?

      I am trying to expand  some column length.

    Any help will appreciated.




  • Hi,

    Please make sure that you don't have any empty spaces.

    Did you check the database compatibility. Hope it is 80.

    If the database compatibility is 60,65,70 then probably you have some other setting to look for.

     I've noticed that if you specify a nonexistent database name, it returns an empty result set instead of returning an error that tells you that the database doesn't exist

    Are you a born again. He is Jehova Jirah unto me

  • Hi Helen,


      Thanks very much.

    The compatibility is 80. I got a wrong database name.

    Anyway I know what is invalid input meaning.



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