DTS and user defined input

  • Hi. I use a DTS package to import data from one db to another. This DTS has a script that selects data on date, usually looking at the previous months data. I need to be able to select a date /month to extract. Is it possible to pass a variable within DTS package?. I can write a small VB or Access type input screen that will collect the variable, and pass it on.





  • Allan,

    Take a look at this site - some good examples using variables.



  • To execute the package from vb, use the following code. Note that the variables on the package are populted by using index in the code.

    Also, the package is written using nt security (hence trusted connection'. There is syntax for passing sql username and password. Just search for 'DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection on google

    Just replace the upper case values with your values.


    Public Function fnSendMail(YOURVARIABLE)

    On Error GoTo Err_fnSendMail

        Dim oPKG As New DTS.Package

        Dim oPKGname As String


        oPKGname = "PACKAGENAME"

        oPKG.LoadFromSQLServer "SERVERNAME", , , _

        DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection, , , , oPKGname ' connect to the package

        oPKG.GlobalVariables(1).Value = YOURVARIABLE


            ' Set Exec on Main Thread as VB is apartment threaded and DTS is free threaded

            For Each oStep In oPKG.Steps

                oStep.ExecuteInMainThread = True


            oPKG.Execute ' execute the package



        ' seek and destroy open objects

        oPKG.UnInitialize 'disconnect from package

        Set oStep = Nothing

        Set oPKG = Nothing


    Exit Function

    ' Error handling


        Print #1, "Error in fnSendMail " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description

        Resume Close_fnSendMail

    End Function

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

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