update/insert to column

  • Question:  I am receiving the below error when I added the "update" to the first of my script:

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    The statement has been terminated.

    What am I doing wrong?


    update contact2

    set udefcon =



         WHEN key1 IN('APP', 'ADM', 'CNF', 'DNY', 'ENR') THEN 100 --Add 100 points if key1 has a VALUE in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 1 AND 19 THEN 25   -- add points for uactequiv value

         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 20 AND 21 THEN 50

         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 22 AND 23 THEN 75

         When uactequiv BETWEEN 24 and 26 THEN 100

         When uactequiv BETWEEN 27 and 30 THEN 125

         WHEN uactequiv >=31 THEN 150

         ELSE 0

      END +


         WHEN userdef02 IS NOT NULL THEN 50  -- Add 50 points if userdef02 not null

         ELSE 0

      END +


         WHEN userdef03 IS NOT NULL THEN 50  -- Add 50 points if userdef03 not null

         ELSE 0

      END +


         WHEN uconflg = 'Y' THEN 150 --Add 150 points if uconflg has a Y in the field

         ELSE 0

      END +


         WHEN UVSARRIVDT > ' ' THEN 150 --Add 150 points if UVSARRIDT has a date in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uacurank = '1' THEN 50 --Add 50 points if UACURANK has a 1 in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uacurank = '2' THEN 30 --Add 30 points if UACURANK has a 2 in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uacurank = '3' THEN 20 --Add 20 points if UACURANK has a 3 in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uleadcamp = 'Y' THEN 100 --Add 100 points if uleadcamp equals Y

         ELSE 0

    END +


         when uacadarea1 IN ('BUS', 'BID', 'JOU', 'PSY', 'MED', 'DEN') OR

         umajor IN ('ACCT', 'FIN', 'MKTG', 'MGMT', 'BIBL', 'BIBM', 'BIBY', 'BIVM', 'BMCF', 'BMIS', 'BYFM', 'IMC', 'JELM', 'JOUR', 'PSYC') OR

         department IN ('PRDE', 'PRME') THEN 50

         ELSE 0

    END +


        when upsupport = 'Y' THEN 50 --add 50 points if upsupport is marked Y

        ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN ubot >' ' THEN 100  --add 100 points if ubot has a VALUE in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN ugoldlist >' ' THEN 100  --add 100 points if ugoldlist has a VALUE in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN ufacstaff >' ' THEN 100  --add 100 points if ufacstaff has a VALUE in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN ualumni = 'Y' THEN 50  --add 50 points if ualumni has a VALUE that equals Y

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN usibling = 'Y' THEN 100  --add 100 points if usibling has a VALUE that equals Y

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uchurchact IN('A', 'B') THEN 50 --add 50 points if uchurchact has an A or B in the field

         ELSE 0




      contact2, contact1

    WHERE contact1.accountno = contact2.accountno)

  • Let me simplify the problem for you.

    update contact2

    set udefcon =

    ( SELECT 1


      contact2, contact1

    WHERE contact1.accountno = contact2.accountno)

    The above should still fail with the same error. The reason is that the select part will return more than one row. If you run it all by itself you will likely get a lot of results (one for each accountno). The problem is that you are trying to assign all of those values to a single column on a single row albeit for each row within contact2.  I believe you need a way to relate the subselect row to the current row being assigned in the update process. I haven't tested the SQL, but basically what you want is the following:

    update contact2

    set udefcon =

    ( SELECT 1


      contact2 sub2, contact1 sub1

    WHERE sub1.accountno = sub2.accountno

             AND sub2.accountno = contact2.accountno)

    You may need to add a FROM clause to your UPDATE statement to get things to talk correct, and there may be a more elegant way of extracting your data, but that is the concept you are after. You need the subselect to ONLY pull back the one value associated to the current row that SQL Server is attempting to update at any given moment. If any subselect results in more than one result row then the whole update statement will be rolled back and that error will be given, so be carefull to use the full key in the WHERE clause to ensure that you will get no duplicates.

  • I am receiving the below error after adding

    update contact2

    set udefcon =

    (select 1


    contact2 sub2, contact1 sub1

    WHERE sub1.accountno = sub2.accountno

    AND sub2.accountno = contact2.accountno

    ERROR:  Server: Msg 116, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.

    Can you can call a procedure from an update


    update contact2

    set udefcon =  exec calc_score contact2.accountno @TOTALSCORE = udefcon OUTPUT

    NOTE:  I have a stored procedure called calc_score.  I tried this but it didn't work either.

    I also had this:  but when I executed it, it worked but I cancelled after 21+ hours.

    CREATE PROCEDURE update_score


    -- Declare the variables to store the values returned by FETCH.


    @acctno    varchar(20),

    @ttl_score numeric(4)

    DECLARE stu_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT distinct accountno

    FROM   contact2

    OPEN stu_cursor

    -- Perform the first fetch and store the values in variables.

    -- Note: The variables are in the same order as the columns

    -- in the SELECT statement.

    FETCH NEXT FROM stu_cursor

    INTO @acctno

    EXECUTE calc_score @acctno, @TOTALSCORE = @ttl_score OUTPUT

    UPDATE contact2

    SET    udefcon = @ttl_score

    WHERE  accountno = @acctno

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.



       -- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds.

       FETCH NEXT FROM stu_cursor

       INTO @acctno


    EXECUTE calc_score @acctno, @TOTALSCORE = @ttl_score OUTPUT

    IF @ttl_score > 0

       UPDATE contact2

       SET    udefcon = @ttl_score

       WHERE  accountno = @acctno


    CLOSE stu_cursor

    DEALLOCATE stu_cursor


    **Of course the calc_score is the script that I submitted yesterday.

    Thank you so much for all your help

  • First of all, the error suggests that you have more than one column listed in the SELECT portion instead of just the "1" constant value you posted. You may want to double check that. I did create a couple of test tables and run the same update statement successfully. I'm running SQL Server 2000 SP3a in case it may matter, but I doubt it. As for execing a SP in lue of a subquery you can't do that. If you are running SQL Server 2000 you can get the same effect with a User Defined Function. It would be used something like:

    update contact2

    set udefcon =  dbo.calc_score(contact2.accountno)

    The UDF would not perform quite as well as the subselect, but would perform tons better than the cursor.


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