Execute SQL Task with UPDATE Statement

  • I am trying to run the following UPDATe statement in an Execute SQL task. I need to use 2 global variables as parameters, but I keep getting a syntax error when ever I try to click either the Parameters Button or the Parse Query button.


    UPDATE MyTable

    SET Code = o.Code1

    FROM MyTable as a, OtherTable AS o

    WHERE a.numberPK = s.MyTableNumberFK

    AND s.BatchGroup = ?

    AND s.EnteredDate = ?

    This works fine when I replace the "?"s with single quotes. The Parse Query checks out, but the parameters button gives an error stating that "The SQL Statement does not contain any parameters". As soon as I put the question marks in place, I get an error.

    I am using SQL 2K SP3a.


    Any help is greatly appreciated. I am going nuts!

  • The parsing of SQL tasks in DTS seems to be preety basic (i.e. rubbish!) - it deons't like all sorts of things like DECLARE's etc etc - but can hanlde stored procedures so why not e.g.



    @BatchGroup char(10), -- ??? hatever type it is

    @EnteredDate datetime



    UPDATE MyTable

    SET Code = o.Code1

    FROM MyTable as a, OtherTable AS o

    WHERE a.numberPK = s.MyTableNumberFK

    AND s.BatchGroup = @BatchGroup

    AND s.EnteredDate = @EnteredDate

    and in DTS

    Exec PROC_UpdateMyTable ?, ?

  • Thanks for the Reply. I will try that method instead. I wonder if this is more clear in 2K5, or at least a little more consistent.

    Thanks again.

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