SQLServerCentral Editorial



Recently I was talking with someone that works outside of IT. We were chatting about careers and various jobs and this person asked why we put up with stuff in IT. It seems that they had worked with someone that was asked to sleep outside the server room in one company to ensure that no one gained access to their servers during some critical period.

I have to admit that I was sure that I wouldn't EVER do that, but as I thought about it for a few minutes and we talked, I realized that I have slept in my office, probably even in some server rooms over the years. And while I wouldn't want to do it, the reality is that I've pretty much always done what I needed to do to get things working.

So for a work-related Friday poll...

What would you be willing to do at work?

Let's keep it clean and professional, but what things have you done, or would do, that might make you uncomfortable? Or you consider going above and beyond the call of your job.

For me it's been mostly working long hours, including holidays, and spending the night at work. I've also flown in a small plane to get to an office quickly, been inside a nuclear reactor, and flown from Denver to NY and back in a day for a meeting. You can see that travel is a big deal for me, so that's one of those "above and beyond" things for me.

Each of you like has things you consider working above and beyond your normal job and while we might not all agree on what is beyond the call of duty, I'm sure we all have something to share.

The Voice of the DBA Podcasts

Everyday Jones

The podcast feeds are now available at sqlservercentral.podshow.com to get better bandwidth and maybe a little more exposure :). Comments are definitely appreciated and wanted, and you can get feeds from there.

Overall RSS Feed:

or now on iTunes!

Today's podcast features music by Everyday Jones. No relation, but I stumbled on to them and really like the music. Support this great duo at www.everydayjones.com.

I really appreciate and value feedback on the podcasts. Let us know what you like, don't like, or even send in ideas for the show. If you'd like to comment, post something here. The boss will be sure to read it.


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