SQL Server is confused about 2 instances using same data files

  • I have SQL Server 2000 sp3 running 2 instance server_TEST and server_DEV.  I am not sure what or when it exactly happened, but now both instances refer to the same database files.  Server_DEV is correct.  When it is registered and you look at the properites for each database, everything is OK.  When you access the server_Test instance and look at the properties for the files on each database, all system and user databases point to server_DEV files.


    I have verified that the instances are active.  By trying to change the name of the db files, I know that when server_test is running, I can not change the file names.

    Second question, how do you switch or change the ports that SQL Server is listening to.  Something seem messed up with the ports assigned to the SQL Server instances.  Don't know if related or not.  I used a utility call fport from http://www.foundstone.com.


    Any suggestions would be great.



  • Using EM, check server startup parameters.

    Right click on server, select properties, click on "Startup Parameters".

    Each server startup parms should be different:

    -d  master

    -e  errorlog

    -l  log

    Second question.  I believe the port is changed through the SQL Server network utilities on the server.



  • Second answer is correct.


    However if you need to seperate the instances and the server master, errorlog and log checks out then see if you have duplicates of the databases in those locations that should be seperate from the dev instance. I bet however you backed up the dev instance and restored on the test instance without setting the file paths to restore to especially since that would be the defualt location for the restore. So you basically overwrote the dev instances files which because were the same did not make it unhappy. Try backing up again and restore but make sure you use the WITH MOVE options in RESTORE DATABASE in TSQL code, or in EM goto the second tab and verify the location the files restore too are correct.

  • It could be that you've registered the same instance twice under EM with 2 different names.  When you think you're looking at server_TEST attributes it's really that of server_DEV.  If this is the case then it could be because of client network utility entries.

    Many quick ways to check... open error log of each and look at 3rd line - is server process id identical?

    - Mark

  • Thank you very much for your help.  My problem was caused by a parameter change in a restore.  We use TDP Tivoli from IBM to backup or databases to a tape robotic system.  A restore I did had a bad parameter.  Both instances were looking/using the same datafiles, while the service was using the correct datafiles.  I changed the startup parameters and all seems to be working.


    When I click on the network configuation, nothing happens.  No window, error, or message.


    Thanks for the information.




    Joseph Devereaux

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