How many platforms Do You Run at Home

  • I've got Windows 2000 and XP (home and Pro) on the various PCs in the house and an iMac (OS X) in the kitchem.

  • Win XP Pro on my stand alone desktop machine at home. Its basically only used by me as a filestore and by my girlfriend and lodgers as a web browser because I have a laptop from work which I find much easier to work with. I've got that running SQL2000 and Yukon (IDW11) side-by-side so it does for all my SQL needs. Unfortunately its not powerful enough to be running VPC simultaneously. But I'll get there

    I have a Linksys wireless router which is shared by my desktop and laptop. This I plan to be my central hub as soon as my budget extends to bolting on wizardry and gadgetry of all kind

    I also wouldn't mind a Mini Mac which I can stuff on a small shelf behind my desktop and have them both running through a switch box to my existing keyboard and monitor. Can you do that???



  • XP on the laptop. Windows ME on the other one's. I used to run Linux on my home computer's, however now my elder son will start school this year and try to get some good beginners programm for that age running on Linux

    Another reason was, I don't want him to be considered an outsider in school

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • 5 platforms in all:

    WIndows XP --> for the kids

    NT 4.0 Server -->  SCSI II, RAID 5, SQL v7.0, Sybase ASE v12, Oracle v8, old work box (soon to be Win 2K3 Server)

    Win 2K Server --> SCSI II, RAID 1, SQL 2K, work connectity, etc.

    Win 2K3 Server --> SCSI II, RAID 1 & RAID 5 (build in progress)

    Solaris 2.8 on a SUN 450

    Netopia Router, LinkSys Full Duplex 10/100 base-T switch. Cat-5, Dual APC 650 UPS w/PowerChute)

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Straight MS shop at my place

    1 x W2k3 running SBS 2003 Premium (Exchange, Sharepoint, Streaming Media)

    1 x W2k3 running SQL 7.0/2000/2005 (virtual servers)

    2 x Win XP Pro

    All networked via Dlink Xtreme G wireless

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • I think I've got almost the full set

    Kid's laptop: Win 98 SE

    Wife's desktop: Win ME

    Work laptop: Win 2000 Pro

    My desktop: Dual boot Win XP Pro and Mandrake Linux 10.1

    All held together with a Linksys WAG54G wireless ADSL router. (I'd love to replace Win ME but if I got anything wrong I'd never hear the end of it!)

    Scott Doughty


  • Ok here goes

    1 Windows XP HE Laptop

    1 Very dead XP Pro Laptop (laptops don't like coke)

    2 Windows XP HE Desktop

    1 Windows XP Pro Desktop

    1 Multiboot Windows 98SE, Red Hat Linux 9, OS/2 Warp 3, Windows NT 4 Server

    1 Windows 98SE for some legacy hardware I cannot replace yet.

    1 Mac 9 soon to be Max X

    2 Pocket PC 2000 HP Jornadas

    Next will be adding a Windows 2003 Server for gerneral testing and storing data.

    And several Virtual PC setups on my main desktop icluding things like MS DOS 2, Windows 1.01, MS BOB (Remember him), and pretty much anything else I can get my hands on to install in it as well as a Mac X PearPC virtual PC.

  • 1 XP Home Desktop

    1 XP Prof Laptop

    1 XP Prof Desktop (test environments within Virtual PC 2004)

    1 Windows 2003 Server including SQL Server 2000

    1 Windows 98SE desktop with Internet connection for visitors to use

    (Most of this is made possible by my MSDN subscription)

  • Too many computers, although technically all MS

    SBS2003 as the Domain, Exchange, Proxy, SUS ..

    Win2KEE with SQL Server 2000, and UDB, will add Oracle when I get a break. 2gig ram, 2.6 Hyper, 450 gig dasd. No raid.  Has older beta of MS VM, but not working currently.

    All the rest are XP Pro SP2+

    My Workstation, wireless ExtremeG

    Laptop, wireless G, has MS VPC, nit really being used though.

    Better Halfs WS, Wireless ExtremeG (this machine needs to be replaced)

    Homecontroller, heavily automated lighting etc. Wired

    Clunker / Lab box.  Can boot to Linux, haven't for a while. also Wired. Probably hardly worth the electricity to run.


    With 2 Wireless nets

               one D-link G inside the firewalls.

               One NetGear B outside the firewalls for my work laptopS.

    Most are cobbler together from here and there.


  • Hehe, reading through this responses, it reminds me of

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Yes, now that is a funny site. How many of the tests have you done Frank??

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Only the geek test, Steve mentioned in his article. but to be honest, I outperformed him by far. I think my last result result was well above 50%

    Just realized today that this site changed a bit.

    Hm, what time is it in Australia, IIRC you live there, right? Having slepping problems?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • At the moment its 9am here. Busy organising my workload for the day.

    Wish I was sleeping though

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Phill,

    sorry, I really wasn't aware, that you're almost 10 hours ahead of my timezone.

    Due to my new-born little daughter I have now two weeks holidays (more or less)

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Congrats

    Now come on, it's never a holiday with a new-born is it


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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