TimeSheet - Date Time

  • I have a table which is show below. i want to write a SQL which gives me the following result

    FEmpID      In    Out    Hours Worked


    210       08:59   19:10  10:11

    210       20:00   21:00  01:00 


    FEmpID FTime                     FType

    ------ ------------------------- -----

    210    2004-03-03 08:59:00.000   IN

    210    2004-03-03 19:10:00.000   OUT

    210    2004-03-03 20:00:00.000   IN

    210    2004-03-03 21:00:00.000   OUT

  • This will work ... can probably be simplified

    declare @temp table (
     FEmpID int,
     FTime datetime,
     FType char(3)
    insert into @temp values (
    210,    '2004-03-03 08:59:00.000',   'IN' )
    insert into @temp values (
    210,    '2004-03-03 19:10:00.000',   'OUT')
    insert into @temp values (
    210,    '2004-03-03 20:00:00.000',   'IN' )
    insert into @temp values (
    210,    '2004-03-03 21:00:00.000',   'OUT')
     convert(char(5),t1.FTime,8) as 'In',
     convert(char(5),t2.FTime,8) as 'Out',
     convert(char(5),t2.FTime - t1.FTime,8) as 'Hours Worked'
    from @temp t1
     inner join @temp t2 on
      t2.FEmpID = t1.FEmpID
     and t2.FType = 'OUT'
     and t2.FTime =  (select min(FTime) from @temp t3
         where t3.FEmpID = t1.FEmpID
         and t3.FType = 'OUT'
         and t3.FTime > t1.FTime) 
    where t1.FType = 'IN'
    order by t1.FTime
    FEmpID In Out Hours Worked
    210 08:59 19:10 10:11
    210 20:00 21:00 01:00
    (2 row(s) affected)

    Considering of having the column that shows the Session when the user logs in/out.

    So if u have to make a little change in your design, by adding a column "Session" of type INT. Thus your Final tab.le "TimeSheet" must have the schema,

     TimeSheet( FEmpID INT, Session INT, FTime DATETIME, FType VARCHAR(3))

    Thus your required query is as written below:



     RIGHT( '00' + CAST( DATEPART(HH, [IN]) AS VARCHAR(2)),2)  + ':' + LEFT( CAST( DATEPART(MI, [IN]) AS VARCHAR(2)) +'00', 2) AS [IN],

     RIGHT( '00' + CAST( DATEPART(HH, [OUT]) AS VARCHAR(2)),2)  + ':' + LEFT( CAST( DATEPART(MI, [OUT]) AS VARCHAR(2)) +'00', 2) AS [OUT],

     RIGHT( '00' + CAST( DATEPART(HH, [OUT]-[IN]) AS VARCHAR(2)),2)  + ':' + LEFT( CAST( DATEPART(MI, [OUT]-[IN]) AS VARCHAR(2)) +'00', 2) AS [Hours Worked]



     FROM ( SELECT FEmpID, session, CASE WHEN Ftype = 'IN' THEN FTIME END AS [IN],


      FROM timeSheet ) AS A

     GROUP BY FEmpID, session ) AS B


    Hope this will suffice ur need and much more better than the solution above.

    The query is becomes Unformatted, Just copy it and paste it in your query analyser and it will be formatted.


    Prashant Thakwanithakwani_prashant@yahoo.co.in



     , (CAse When Q.N = 1 Then [IN] Else [OUT] END) As FTime

     , (CAse When Q.N = 1 Then 'IN' Else 'OUT' END) As FType


         OriginalTable Cross Join (Select 1 as N Union all Select 2 ) Q

    As you didn't mentioned How is the date provided I didn't included in the query but it will be very easy to modify the above to show the date




    * Noel

  • Question...why was the table designed with the "IN" and "OUT" as separate Records?  I'm not harrassing, I just want to know if there is some type of advantage to that?

  • SELECT FEmpID, In AS 'FTime', 'IN' AS 'FType'

    FROM TableTimeSheet

    -- WHERE ...


    SELECT FEmpID, Out AS 'FTime', 'OUT' AS 'FType'

    FROM TableTimeSheet

    -- WHERE ...

    ORDER BY FEmpID, FTime

  • thank you guys for your time. The data i have shows was in an ideal situation. There can be multiple "IN" if the user forgets to logout or multiple "OUT"

    something like this can happen.

    FEmpId FTime                     FType

    ------ ------------------------- -----

    210    2004-03-03 08:59:00.000    IN

    210    2004-03-03 09:30:00.000    IN

    210    2004-03-03 19:10:00.000    OUT

    210    2004-03-03 20:00:00.000    IN

    210    2004-03-03 21:00:00.000    OUT

    in such cases i would require the result like


    FEmpId FTimeIn          FTimeOut         Hours

    ------ ---------------- ---------------- -------

    210    2004-03-03 08:59 NULL             NULL   

    210    2004-03-03 09:30 2004-03-03 19:10 09:40  

    210    2004-03-03 20:00 2004-03-03 21:00 01:00      

  • I mis-understood the question backward. Try following.

    SELECT U.FEmpId, U.FTimeIn, U.FTimeOut, U.Hours

    FROM (

     SELECT A.FEmpId, A.FTime AS 'FTimeIn',

      (SELECT TOP 1 case when B.FType = 'IN' THEN NULL ELSE B.FTime END FROM TableTimeSheet B WHERE B.FTime = (SELECT MIN(C.FTime) FROM TableTimeSheet C WHERE C.FTime > A.FTime)) AS 'FTimeOut',

      (SELECT TOP 1 case when B.FType = 'IN' THEN NULL ELSE LEFT(CONVERT(varchar(10), B.FTime - A.FTime, 8), 5) END FROM TableTimeSheet B WHERE B.FTime = (SELECT MIN(C.FTime) FROM TableTimeSheet C WHERE C.FTime > A.FTime)) AS 'Hours'

     from TableTimeSheet A

     where A.FType = 'IN'




     SELECT A.FEmpId, NULL AS 'FTimeIn', A.FTime AS 'FTimeOut', NULL AS 'Hours'

     FROM TableTimeSheet A

     WHERE A.FType = 'OUT'

      AND (SELECT TOP 1 B.FType FROM TableTimeSheet B WHERE B.FTime = (SELECT MAX(C.FTime) FROM TableTimeSheet C WHERE C.FTime < A.FTime)) = 'OUT'

    ) U

    ORDER BY U.FEmpId, ISNULL(U.FTimeIn, U.FTimeOut)

  • SELECT i.FEmpID, i.FTime FTimeIn, o.FTime FTimeOut, CONVERT(char(5),o.FTime - i.FTime,14) Hours

    FROM Punches i LEFT JOIN Punches o ON i.FEmpID = o.FEmpID AND o.FType = 'OUT'  AND o.Ftime =

    (SELECT MIN(FTime)

     FROM Punches

     WHERE FEmpID = i.FEmpID AND FTime > i.FTime)

    WHERE i.FType = 'IN'

    ORDER BY i.FEmpID, FTimeIn


  • Try following data.

    create table Punches(FEmpId int, FTime datetime, FType varchar(3))

    insert into Punches(FEmpId, FTime, FType)

    select 210, '2004-03-03 08:59:00.000', 'IN'

    union all

    select 210, '2004-03-03 09:30:00.000', 'IN'

    union all

    select 210, '2004-03-03 19:10:00.000', 'OUT'

    union all

    select 210, '2004-03-03 20:00:00.000', 'IN'

    union all

    select 210, '2004-03-03 21:00:00.000', 'OUT'

    union all

    select 210, '2004-03-03 21:59:00.000', 'OUT'

    If you don't care the last one record...

    FEmpId    FTimeIn                            FTimeOut                                         Hours

    ----------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ -----

    210         2004-03-03 08:59:00.000     NULL                                               NULL

    210         2004-03-03 09:30:00.000     2004-03-03 19:10:00.000                   09:40

    210         2004-03-03 20:00:00.000     2004-03-03 21:00:00.000                   01:00

    210         NULL                                 2004-03-03 21:59:00.000                  NULL


  • If that's what you want...

    SELECT ISNULL(i.FEmpID,o.FEmpID) FEmpID, i.FTime FTimeIn, o.FTime FTimeOut, CONVERT(char(5),o.FTime - i.FTime,14) Hours

    FROM Punches i FULL JOIN Punches o ON i.FEmpID = o.FEmpID AND o.FType = 'OUT' AND i.FType = 'IN' AND o.Ftime =

    (SELECT MIN(FTime)

     FROM Punches

     WHERE FEmpID = i.FEmpID AND FTime > i.FTime)

    WHERE i.FType = 'IN' OR o.FType = 'OUT'

    ORDER BY FEmpID, ISNULL(i.FTime,o.FTime)


  • Beauty.

    Jonathan's code should answer shez104's request.


  • Thanks Jonathan it works like a german sedan. And thanks for every one for you valuable time.

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