Transverse row to column

  • hi,

    can anyone help me how to transverse rows into columns in SQL.

    for ex, I have a table with data like this :

    Branch      Item        Amount

    ------       -----      -------

    Branch1     ItemA          10

    Branch1     ItemB          10

    Branch2     ItemB          10

    Transverse result:

    Item       Branch1   Branch2

    -----      -------    --------

    ItemA           10             0 

    ItemB           10            10

    thanks in advance,




  • You can do crosstabs with sql, especially if you have a fixed, stable column list:

    SELECT  Item

               ,sum(case when branch = 'Branch1' then Amount else 0 end) as Branch1

               ,sum(case when branch = 'Branch2' then Amount else 0 end) as Branch2

               ,sum(case when branch = 'Branch3' then Amount else 0 end) as Branch3

               , etc

    FROM  MyTable

    GROUP BY Item

    There are a number of scripts that will do this dynamically if you can't determine ahead of time what the column set is.  Try:

    There's even a 3rd party product with a 30-day full eval period:

    Hope one of these helps,

    Scott Thornburg 

  • We use RAC4SQL and whilst it does have it's limitations is fairly useful at this sort of thing

  • This is a code sample I use to make a "Pivot" like table with data extracted from the "Presence" database in my company

    This table gets further analyse and in base of its results the people gets payed

    Notice the conditional "Case" statements

    I hope you find it useful



    USE EW

    ------------------------set first day of week - monday--------------------------


    set datefirst 1

    --Begin Select------------------------------------------------------------------


    SELECT risul.mat,,dizio.orario,datename(weekday, as MyWeekDay,

    case when dizio.orario in ('04','54','63') then '2' else 1 end as Shift,

    --Sum of "ORDI" values- --------------------------------------------------------

    --we use the cast statement to transform the string hour type HHmm to minutes of type decimal


    sum(case  when risul.caus='ORDI'then

    (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal))


    --Sum of "ORDI" values with  reevaluation for those who worked in the second shift


    sum(case  when risul.caus='ORDI' then--if we have "ORDI"

     (case when dizio.orario in ('54','63')then--If we have second shift orario

      (case when (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal))>=210 then --if presence is >=3,5 Hours

       cast(((cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal))*8/7) as integer)--reevaluate it

        else (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) end)--if not ,leave it as it is


                    (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal))--if not second shift orario, leave it as it is



    --Sum of Normali Isola (N001...N200=presence of the Direct type of worker)-----


    sum(case  when (risul.caus like 'N%' and risul.caus not like 'NOSA') then

    (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal))


    --Sum of Normali Isola (N001...N200) with Reevaluation for the second shift----


    sum(case  when (risul.caus like 'N%' and risul.caus not like 'NOSA') then--if we have Normali Isola,

     (case when dizio.orario in ('04')then--If we have second shift orario

      (case when (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal))>=210 then --if presence is >= 3,5 ore

       cast(((cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal))*8/7) as integer)--reevaluate it (*8/7)

        else (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) end)--if not, leave it as it is


                    (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal))--if not second shift , leave it as it is



    --Sum of not requested Saturday presence D&I (NOSA & STSA)----------------------


    sum(case  when risul.caus in ('STSA','NOSA') then

    (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal))


    --Sum of requested Saturday presence for the "Indirect" type of worker (S150)---


    sum(case  when risul.caus in ('S150') then

    (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal))

    ELSE 0 END) AS S150,

    --Sum of the requested Saturday presence (ECCS) for the "Direct" type of worker-

    --Conditions: if first shift presence is greater than 360 minutes then truncate it

    --Conditions: if second shift presence is greater than 300 minutes then truncate it

    --first shift orario:05 & 06 ; second shift orario:07 & 08


    sum(case when risul.caus='ECCS' then

      (case dizio.orario

       when '07' then (case when (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal))>360 then 360 else (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1)as decimal)) end)

       when '08' then (case when (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal))>360 then 360 else (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1)as decimal)) end)

       when '05' then (case when (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal))>390 then 390 else (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1)as decimal)) end)

       when '06' then (case when (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal))>390 then 390 else (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1)as decimal)) end)

      else 0 END)

    else 0 end) as ECCS,

    --------------------------sum of other single Causale---------------------------


        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'FM  ' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS C100,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'RFPL' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS C200,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'RF+ ' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS C300,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'RF- ' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS C400,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'ASMS' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS AMS,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'ANM ' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS ANM,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'ANMS' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS ANS,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'ASM ' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS ASM,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'CONG' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS CNM,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'COPI' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS COP,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'FNP ' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS FNP,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'INCO' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS INC,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'MD  ' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS MAL,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'S075' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS OP1,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'RMD ' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS RMD,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'SCHI' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS SCH,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'SED ' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS SED,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'FE  ' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS FE,

        SUM(CASE risul.caus WHEN 'PF  ' THEN (cast((left(risul.ore,2)*60 + right(risul.ore,2)*1) as decimal)) ELSE 0 END) AS PF

    FROM risul,dizio

    --filter for month=mars and year=2005----------------------------


    where risul.mat=dizio.mat and and datepart(year,'2005' and datepart(month,'03'

    GROUP BY risul.mat,,dizio.orario

    order by risul.mat,


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