Conditionally Inserting Default Values

  • I'm writing a stored procedure that, among other things, inserts values into a table.  If values have not been provided to the stored procedure, I want to use the table defaults.  In other words, I want to do the following (which does not work):

    Insert into dbo.Country(










       isNull(@WatchPoint, default),


    I know that I can do this with dynamic SQL, but is there another way?  I could also default values in the stored procedure, but then I would have to maintain the defaults in two places: on the table and in the procedure.  Is there a way I can select the default value for a table column?

  • Here is an example of how to set default in a table:


    ADD AddDate smalldatetime NULL

    CONSTRAINT AddDateDflt



  • Thanks, but I don't want to set defaults.  The defaults are already set.  I want to select the defaults.

    In the example I gave, I can insert a varaible (@WatchPoint) or the default value with the keyword default.  I just can't do it with an isNull function.

    As I said, I can do this with dynamic SQL or by setting default values in the stored procedure, but I don't want to do that.  I want a function, procedure or statement that lets me select the default values.

  • I don't know whether this will be of any help, but here is some code that returns a list of tables/columns and defaults within the current db.

    select table_name, column_name, column_default from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns

    where column_default is not null



  • Thanks.

    I was able to use your code to create a UDF that works for me.

  • To do what you wanted in a stored procedure you could try:

    DECLARE @default [datatype]

    SELECT @default = (SELECT SUBSTRING(column_default, 2, LEN(column_default) - 2) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns

    WHERE table_name = 'Country' AND column_name = 'WatchPoint')

    Insert into dbo.Country(










       isNull(@WatchPoint, @default)




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