Why does "Space Availalbe" option show 0MB?

  • Hi, All

    I have a q for U.

    One of my database shows 0MB space available in the General tab even though I have a plenty of space abvailale?

    Database is 100GB and set to 10% growth with unlimited. I have a 90GB available for that drive?

    Any idea?

    Thx in advance.


  • Hey Jay,

    What happens when you try to insert more data? Do you receive an error? Does the database grow in size?

    -Dan B

  • Nothing.. That works great. I mean SQL server.


  • Do you have the AutoShrink option turned on?

    -Dan B

  • No.. but Auto Update Statistics and Auto creating statistics are turned on.


  • My databases do this sometimes. If you run DBCC UPDATEUSAGE in QA for the database then it should correct itself.

    I know it doesn't answer your question about why but it fixes the numbers.


  • Thx..Jeremy..

    That fixes 0MB problem...

    Right.. That gives me more q why that happens..


  • Just to add, you can run sp_spaceused with the updateusage command to get the same effect

    sp_spaceused @updateusage = 'TRUE'

    Ray Higdon MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA


    Ray Higdon MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA

  • Was this database created fresh? Or was it detached/attached or backed up / restored.


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