Urgent help with instances required

  • Hi,

    i have two instances on one server and both are patched to SP3. Remotely I can see both instances OK but on the server although both are registered correctly I see the default instance's database from both. The startup parameters appear to be OK. the services have been stopped/started and the server rebooted.

    Any clues?

  • Are you seeing in EM ?

    We have an issue similiar to this. in the server the EM was showing users in the machine and in a remote machine it was not showing. after reinstalling the SQL client, the problem solved ?

    Whether you are able to access the DB which is not present(??) through EM ?


  • Sorry - I'll clarify.

    on a remote server I see both instances correctly.

    On the sql server itself I have two correct registrations in EM but both point to the default instance.

    I've decided to scrap and try again but I don't understand why this has happened and therefore can't prevent it from happening again.

    I would still be very interested in any postings.

  • A possibility is that you have a Client Network Utility entry on the server where the Alias is "Servername\Instancename" but the Server is "Servername" (or server IP) and port either fixed at 1433 or dynamic.

    If you've got an entry like that, remove it.


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • Thanks for your suggestions but I haven't got anywhere. I have scrapped the box and started again - well at least the backups worked OK but now perhaps I should spend some time on disaster recovery as with the investigation time and recovery time it has taken 1 1/5 days. C'est la vie !

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