Is the getDate function the correct function to use?

  • Hello,

    I am trying to obtain the values associated with specific dates in a table.  For example, the table in question has a field called "visit_dates" and another field called "subjective".  I need to get a list of the values in the "subjective" field that have a "visit_date" equal to the current date, minus 7 days.  I can't get this to work using the getDate function, as it doesn't accept the argument " -7 ". 

    Does anyone have any suggestions?




  • sorry for not having a cleaner example but it boils down to using the DATEADD funciton.


      CASE WHEN AwardDate = CONVERT(varchar(12), DATEADD(day, -6, GETDATE()), 101) THEN 1

       ELSE 0 END AS AcceptInd,

    Everett Wilson

  • Hi Everett,

    Thanks for helping me out.  However, I'm afraid I don't completely undertand the query.  For instance, what does the 101 represent?


  • Hello

    The CONVERT function allows one to choose the date format the actual comparison takes place in. 

    101 is the mm/dd/yyyy format

    103 is dd/mm/yyyy

    Look up CONVERT on BOL for the full list.

    Everett Wilson

  • Ok, Everett, will do. 

    Thanks again!

  • Bernard,

         This will also work:

    select convert(varchar, getdate() - 7, 101)

    To add on, depending on the size of the table, I generally refrain from using the functions within the statement.  Each row that is evaluated will have to run through the functions, so if you have a 10000 rows, it will evaluate 10000 times!  Set a variable to the date you are looking for, and use that in the query.

    HTH, Brad

  • Many thanks, Brad!

  • Hey guys,

    Attached is my query, which still does not return the data that I know exists in visit_date field.

    declare @MinusDate varchar(10)

      select @MinusDate=convert(varchar,getdate() -7,101)

     select deposit_id, sub_obs,visit_date

     from subjective

     where sub_obs like '%morphine sulfate%'

     and visit_date = @MinusDate

    When I run this, I don't get an error message, but rather the column headers with empty fields.  Please help!



  • Is visit_date in the same format as @MinusDate?  I'm thinking if visit_date is a datetime field then you'll need to convert it to a varchar (of type 101).

    Everett Wilson

  • Hi Everett,

    I did try that, but to no avail.

    declare @MinusDate varchar(10)

      select @MinusDate=convert(varchar,getdate() -7,101)

        select deposit_id, sub_obs, convert(varchar(10),visit_date,101)as VisitDate

     from subjective

     where sub_obs like '%morphine sulfate%'

     and visit_date = @MinusDate



  • Sorry, I was thinking WHERE clause.  Try it there, if it doesn't work then throw the results of the converted visit_date and @MinusDate into the SELECT clasue and let us know how they're coming back.

    Everett Wilson

  • Try the CONVERSION in the WHERE clause.  Try it there, if it doesn't work then throw the results of the converted visit_date and @MinusDate into the SELECT clasue and let us know how they're coming back.



    Sorry if this is a doublepost, my browser is giving me inconsistent information.

    Everett Wilson

  • Hey Everett,

    Excuse my ignorance, but when you say throw the results into the Select clause, I'm not sure I understand. 

    I have already run both as individual Select statements.  In each case, the date is returned properly formatted.  However, I do agree with you that the problem most likely has something to do with the conversion of the visit_date datatype. 

    Any other suggestions, my friend?




  • Just curious to see what the actual strings being tested in the WHERE clause are.  This can be seen by removing the date comparison for the moment and adding visit_date, @MinusDate, and convert(varchar(10),visit_date,101) to the SELECT clause in order to see what you're actually getting. 


    Feel free to add anything else into the SELECT statement that might be of interest.

    Everett Wilson

  • Ok, Everett, I did what you suggested. 

    select convert(varchar(10),visit_date,101)as VisitDate, visit_date,@minusdate,deposit_id,sub_obs

    from subjective

     Everything I requested in the Select statement was correctly returned.  So the problem occurs when I attempt the comparison in the the Where clause.

    What can I do?


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