MS SQL SERVER 2K - A noobs question

  • Hi all!

    I need u help for a really great proble for my existence!!!! 😀

    Well... I ve a SQL DB on a Server and I like to do a real time back up on another server. ok? I read something about REPLICATION but (as i see on topic) I'm a poor newbie!

    Can u explain me this procedure in the simplest way u can!?!?

    Thank u a lot!!!


    PS I beg u pardon for my terrible english, but I'm not in practice... 🙂

  • Do you mean a back TO another server? So your data is in two places?

    You can use transactional replication. But the 2nd server is read only for the most part. If you make changes to replicated data, things will be out of synch.

    You could use log shipping or backup/restore as well.

    What are you trying to achieve?

    Steve Jones

    The Best of SQL Server 2002 -

  • Gulp... yes... TO another server... 🙂

    I think that all i need is to have a duplicate DB. read only. I need to use it only if source crash...

    So, i need that every transaction on source will be copied TO destination..

    I don't know how to use log shipping but I read that it isn't a real time back up... isn't it?

  • Transaction log shipping is not real-time. It works basically like this:

    1) Server A takes a transaction log backup

    2) Server A copies the backup to a share point

    3) Server B picks up the backup from the share point

    4) Server B applies the backup to its copy of the database.

    On the other hand, transactional replication is near real time. What happens there, at a high level, is there is an agent that's watching for changes. As soon as it sees one, it ships it to whoever has subscriptions. This is a real high level and I'm glossing over an awful lot. You might check Andy's articles on replication to get a better idea of how it all works.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Wow! Andy's pen is very hot!!! Really intersting articles... but I'm a little bit confused...

    I just follow all Andy's instructions and create the publication with the wizard...

    Then I try to create the subscription push...

    The source see the destination server but always i receive an access error (5)...

    So it doesn't work...

  • When setting up servers for replication, make sure that the SQL Server Agent service in both systems is started using a network user account that has DBO rights in both servers. Slightly "less than DBO" rights might work, but I have not done any testing to confirm this. Either way, each Agent service has to have the ability to communicate changes and differences to the other.

    We use merge replication on a few of our databases with continual replication. These are mission critical, "all heck happens if they are down" kind of databases where the main and the mirror systems are physically located more than a mile apart but on the same network infrastructure. The lag between the main server and the mirror is nearly non-existant. If the main server goes down for some reason, the users calmly switch over to the new server, do a few quick status verifications to make sure that the data looks good, and move on using the mirror until the main is brought back online. It may not be the most efficient use of merger replication, but it does work very well and everyone involved is very pleased and sleeps well at night.

    I hope this helps.

    Funny thing about people and their computers...

    The computer is completing millions of processes every second, but the user still thinks it is too slow.

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