Articles does not fit in browser window

  • Hi!

    I would very much appreciate if the articles on your site automatically resized to fit the current width of the browser. I've tried both IE and Mozilla and the problem exists in both of them.



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  • i've experienced the same issues with table width size as Jonas has mentioned, in extreme cases it can make an article almost unreadable.  here is an example of a recent article:

    FYI i tested on the following browsers, all on XP sp1 and all experience the same issue:

    - IE 6.0 sp2

    - Opera 7.51

    - Mozilla 1.7.1

    one other thing that i've noticed is the use of a bold font for the mouseover event of hyperlinks.  this can make a page rather messy (especially when long descriptions are used) when the rest of the HTML shifts around to reformat when the link is moused over. 

    however constructive you try to make criticism sound, it always sounds like a moan doesn't it.  keep up the good work guys, it's much appreciated.

    lloyd (UK member)

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