Check Duplicates/Insert is failing

  • Hi,

    I have the following problem. I need to check if a record from a query exists in the destination table. If exists then I need to update every record in destination table that matches every record in the query. If it doesn't exist then I need to insert all records from the query into the destination table. Could someone please tell me what is wrong with the following code:

    --Check for duplicates

    IF (NOT EXISTS(SELECT B.PartNumberId FROM tblInputOutputSchedule A RIGHT OUTER JOIN


       PartNumberID, CONVERT(varchar(10), DateEntered, 101) AS DateEntered

       FROM tbl1701

       INNER JOIN tblPartNumbers ON tbl1701.PartNumber =


       GROUP BY PartNumberId, CONVERT(varchar(10), DateEntered, 101)

     &nbsp B

      ON A.PartNumberId = B.PartNumberId AND

      CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), A.DateEntered, 101)= B.DateEntered))

     --Records do not exist -> insert the query result

     INSERT INTO tblInputOutputSchedule (PartNumberId, DateEntered,InputJB1701)



       CONVERT(varchar(10), DateEntered, 101) AS DateEntered,

       SUM(CAST(Quantity AS DECIMAL(10, 2))) AS SumOfJB1701

       FROM dbo.tbl1701

       INNER JOIN tblPartNumbers ON tbl1701.PartNumber =


       GROUP BY PartNumberId, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DateEntered, 101)


     UPDATE tblInputOutputSchedule

      SET tblInputOutputSchedule.InputJB1701 = B.SumOfJB1701

     FROM tblInputOutputSchedule A INNER JOIN



       CONVERT(varchar(10), DateEntered, 101) AS DateEntered,

       SUM(CAST(Quantity AS DECIMAL(10, 2))) AS SumOfJB1701

       FROM dbo.tbl1701

       INNER JOIN tblPartNumbers ON tbl1701.PartNumber =


       GROUP BY PartNumberId, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DateEntered, 101)

     &nbsp B

     ON A.PartNumberId = B.PartNumberId AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), A.DateEntered, 101)= B.DateEntered

  • Maybe you can explain what's wrong with the code? Are you getting an error? Is it doing the wrong thing? It's difficult to tell just by eyeballing it. Can you post DDL and sample data?

    Adam Machanic

  • The problem is that it will not insert my records if NOT EXISTS is true and if for example I have one matching record in my destination table that one record will be updated but the remaining records from the query are not being inserted.

  • Can you post DDL and sample data to reproduce the problem?

    Adam Machanic

  • Why not just go ahead and do the update first, it will only affect existing records with matching PartNumberID.

    Then insert the remaining records with something like this:

    insert into table (...)

    select tbl1.fld1, tbl1.fld2, ...

    from tbl1

    left join tbl2 on =

    where is null

  • Scott,

    For that purpose I usually do something along the lines of:

    UPDATE Tbl

    SET x = 'y'

    WHERE x = 'abc'

    IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0

    INSERT Tbl (x) VALUES ('y')

    ... but in this case, I'm assuming there's some logic issue in the code itself.

    Adam Machanic

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